52- Monkey tail?

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Zid suddenly sits, gasping for air. He had an unpleasant dream, as always. In his dream the people on the vicinity discovered what he was, and tried to kill him, Link and Robert fought to protect him but there were too many of them, they got themselves gutted in the process. That loss was very painful, they both refused to scream, Lee fainted in the middle of it all, but not Link... he watched wailing as the light from Links eyes extinguished. But the dream wasn't done with him yet, they chained him and Zelda was dragged to a corner, Zid heard the men laughing as they tore her clothes off and started rapping her... she wouldn't stop fighting them so they started beating her, when she was fighting no more they realized they had killed her, but the bastards continued defiling her body.


Holy fuck, why did I dream this? I don't know ANY of them enough to be dreaming about them; all I know is that Zelda fainted me, and the boys kidnaped me. I don't hate any of them for it though, and that is an ODD thing to say about the situation they forced on me. But it scares me to KNOW that if something as terrible as THAT ever happened to any of them, specially her. I will end myself... how fucked up is that? have they really grown that much on me in such a short period?... I guess they have. I think I must have been a dog in my past life. They just feed me and showed me kindness, and now I feel like I owe them love and loyalty.

Zid starts looking around, when he sees the Princess, he places a hand close to her nose, to check if she was breathing. He notices Robert laying next to her and snoring a little, but no sign of Link.

Where is he? Maybe he went outside... and WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME? He said that THEY will take care of everything, and ordered me to sleep. The odd thing was that I felt like a huge stone was removed from my back, and I obediently feel asleep almost instantly. Do I really trust him that much? Damn. I am going to miss them a lot when they leave... because that is what will happen right? this is not their side of the puddle.

Zid was thinking as he stood up and opened the door to go out. One step outside and he started feeling stalked, but looking around he could not identify why he felt like that. Then he something landed on the ground close to him. Looking around he saw Link standing up and dusting his pants. He appeared to have dropped from the tree nearby.

"Where you trying to run away?" Link asks slowly approaching

"No, I was searching for you"

"What am I good for?"

Fuck, I did not get this far in my head... I don't want to talk about my nightmare, so... let's make him talk about himself.

"Fill me in again on who are you? and who do you work for? You never really told me"

Link smiles sheepishly "you are right, I didn't tell you. I work as an agent for Sentient World Observation and Response Department"

"That is a mouth full"

"The acronym is easier to remember: SWORD"

"SWORD? Not SHIELD like the comics?" Zid begins to laugh "I am a thief you know; I have stolen a few comics from tourist" he sighs sadly "just when I was starting to believe all your bull shit"

Faking to take offense "As I said before, I am not a liar. SHIELD conveniently guises its existence under Marvel comics, SWORD tried that too for a brief period, but both of us definitely exist"

Zid stared at Link with uncertainty, then suddenly the door opened and out came Robert. He looked a little exasperated but relaxed after noticing them both there.

"Don't get me wrong, but it's my turn to sleep, any further questions you can ask Lee, or go to sleep and wait until tomorrow to ask me" Link says and starts yawning as he heads inside.

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