27- Shift on the menu✔

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The Queen's goal was to visit the WHOLE Market, she wanted to verify the level of damage done to the establishments, and how much of it extended to the civilian's household. Gladly most of the business were intact, and only few civilian houses were damaged. The Queen was buying random things out of every damaged business she found. When Zelda realized what her mother was doing, she could not help but be amazed by Queen Claire.


We don't need ANY of the shit she has been buying, but this IS a way to support the Hylians affected, and she is been using this as an opportunity to interact with the people. I was not sure about this, but people have behaved very grateful and respectful to us.

What I love about this, is the underlying message we are giving. We are NOT just handing them money as if they are weak. We are forcing them to stand on their own feet by supporting them, because they are NOT weak. THIS was a smart move, we are empowering the people and regaining their trust, is a double win.

"Mom, have you seen the shooting gallery? Maybe I can try it, you know... waste some rupee there"

"You play the game twice, and then walk right back here got it?" the Queen says raising an eyebrow.

Zelda smiles as she receives 100 rupees, then happily jogs towards the shooting gallery. After a while she came out ANGRY.

I need to practice... I was able to shoot only 2 of the targets, to me that is shameful. But the owner wanted to write my name on the list of top players that he hangs on the wall, I am FAR from being a top player. But I am the Princess, I think he was aiming at gaining more costumes by showing off I had played in his establishment. I didn't allow him to do it though; I would have done so if I carried my royal seal, then I could officially stamp my name on that list. If it's not done in that matter, I fear people will call it a scam, that could play against the business. He sadly agreed it was a bad idea, but perked up when I told him I would be back to stamp my name on that list.

Zelda runs to the carriage; the driver helps her in and they start to head back to the castle. Then a shouting match starts inside the carriage between the Queen and the Princess, the driver almost falls from his seat the moment a high pitch scream was heard.


BEEP! ... BEEP!.... BEEP!,,,, BE. Link rolls on his bed to reach for his cellphone on the bedside bureau and turns off the alarm, he lazily stretches on his bed before sitting on the edge of it. After contemplating his surroundings a few seconds, he gets out of bed and enters his closet. Once inside, he stands in front of the whole-body mirror and slowly removes the bandages to examine his wounds.

Well, it does look better, I still feel them if I stretch, but it's almost completely healed. I never meet my bio parents, but if I have to thank them for something, it would be for giving me this body. Its strong, and VERY darn resilient. My guts threatened to spill out of me and I have almost healed from that in less than a month, that HAS to be the definition of resilience.

Link heads to his desk and grabs the charcoal suit Chacha picked for him. He dresses himself and does not bother brushing his hair, he then exits his room and heads to the dining room. As he walks by Zelda's door he hears a few yells, and things being thrown around.

Being a female doesn't sound fun... or safe.

Once he arrives at the dinner, the King smiles brightly, but his eyes are pleading at him, the Queen slowly turns to look at Link and nods, her face portraying a blank expression that was almost scary.

We all are animals anywayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang