60- Derrick's yearn

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Link and Zelda enter the cave once they hear the car that brought them drive away. Zelda starts looking around searching for some type of ladder. In her head, if they fell through a hole, they needed to climb out of it to go back to Hyrule, the easiest way to do that was using a ladder. But she was not finding anything of the short. She still felt shy around Raziel; hence she was avoiding talking to him... but she could not avoid the interaction any longer.


"How are we going to go back to Hyrule? We fell through a hole, that means we have to go up, but I see no ladder or stairs"

Ziel shakes his head chuckling at her "Because there are none. If there where, I would have used them to get down here instead of falling down the hole don't you think?" Link ask her raising an eyebrow.

Damn, I had not thought of that, but he is right, we would have used them...

"How then?"

"We climb" Ziel said as he grabbed some dirt from the ground and rubbed his gloves with it.

Zelda stares at him in horror "you can't be serious, it's not even a steep incline, it goes completely up how are we...." the Princess stops talking when she notices Link's annoyed stare

"Who do you think you are talking to?" Ziel asks exasperated

I think I made him angry, but I guess he is right, he is been doing this for a time now, why am I even doubting him? he seems to be expecting an answer, but what do I answer? who is he? I have 3 answers to that question actually, going to answer them all.

"That depends... you are Raziel, Prince by adoption of Hyrule. Or you are Kid, a SWORD agent. And last but not least, you are a young man with a strong build and a lack of morality named Link" Zelda ends folding her arms.

Link raises his eyebrows chuckling

"Was not expecting THAT answer... seems like I am a lot of thigs" he sighs and looks directly at Zelda "who or what else do I have to be for you to follow my lead?"

That's not it... YOU are not the problem, I AM. You are awesome. You are followed and respected by the beasts I now call brothers... I am just a scared and uncapable girl who became a Princess by luck. The problem is ME.

"I am NOT doubting you; you are..." she doesn't end her sentence "I am doubting myself... I don't think I am strong enough to make that climb" Zelda says in sorrow and a little of shame.

"You don't have to... just have hold on tight like before" Links says as he steps close to her and delicately removes the hair tie of her braid.

Fuck he is hot; I think I just wet my panties, that odor he carries is NOT HELPING... I blame all of this on this trip; I think it was an emotionally heavy ride. I mean, at a point I wanted to die, and the next day I was on top of the world; and Link was there with me holding my hand... I must have developed attachment to him. Meaning this is NOT LOVE, I just need to get a hold of my hormones and remember that HE HATES ME.

Ziel proceeds to use Zelda's hair tie to seal the reusable bag he brought with the clay pot. Then he places the bag's handles on the Princess shoulders, making it look like she is wearing a makeshift backpack. He then goes down on a knee and ushers her to climb on his back.

NO FUCKING WAY, IS HE SERIOUS? Don't argue with him, he is already kind of angry, and he is also very stubborn... not a good mix to contend against. Just go with the flow.

Zelda climbs on Link's back, he slowly raises and walks to the wall but stops right in front of it.

"I need to ask; did you notice when we used the hole that we slowed down during the fall? Like there was no gravity pulling us any longer"

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