22- Military training camp✔

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The pair reassumed their walk, Zelda was glowing with pride at herself and happiness, Link was behaving like a caged animal. He walked from side to side, eyes fixed on the ground searching for animal trails. He had even found a study branch and peeled it into a lance to hunt... but to hunt what? There were no trails of anything.


This is a rabbit zone, I should have spotted rabbit footprint or feces by now, but it appears they died off or something hunted them down... if the last one is the case, my Princess could be in danger.

Link stops and takes off his jacket, he then hands it to Zelda.

"Use my Jacket" Raziel orders.

Zelda looks at him in shock. The wind was blowing and the only thing semicovering his torso was the bandages.

"Why would you?... its COLD out here Link" Zelda starts stripping off her sweater "I will use your jacket if you put this sweater on, fair?"

Link tilts his head in confusion, he was not used to the Princess caring for him, but he takes the purple sweater and puts it on.

The princess huffs "This thing is HEAVY, how have you

 been walking around with this on?" Zelda asks now sporting a jacket that is clearly too big for her.

"You get used to it"

He continues walking and searching, Zelda follows in silence, no longer glowing, she is scared now.


This... is not good, not good at all. Why is he making me wear his jacket?
The Queen walks up to Link and grabs his shoulder with her left hand, breaths in deeply and uses her right hand to trust the knife at Link's belly with force]
This jacket is made to act like a vest... are we in danger? If so, of what? We have not seen anybody, I have not seen foot prints, what is he trying to protect me from?

Link sighs with relief and turns to the Princess smiling.

"Welcome to the Military Training Camp"

Looking ahead, Zelda sees a sinkhole with several destroyed wooden towers at the bottom of it. The structural integrity of it all was doubtful.

This is today's goal? It looks really bad... abandoned at best. The structures appear to be sinking. But he seemed to be looking for this place in particular, is there something I am not seeing here? I am going to have faith.

"This looks depressing, you think there is a structure here we can still use?" Zelda asks silently praying to Farore for this to be a joke.

"Not in the camp per se, but there is bound to be a cabin or cottage around the camp, for the military forces to use when they come to here to train"

Zelda sighs in relief, silently thanking the goddesses "OH, THAT SOUND A LOT BETTER, let's hope it's in better condition that THIS... what do I do now? how do I help?" Zelda asks recovering her previous excitement.

"Get down there and fill the pot with water" Link says pointing at a zone where the ground was not depressed into a pit. It was still a steep incline, but she could use it "walk down there slowly and carefully, I don't want you to slip. I will search around the area to find the cabin, SCREAM if anything happens"

He doesn't wait for and answer, he just turns and rushes off.

All right, he is fast, let go fill the pot with water and be useful, I hope Link finds a place we can use to sleep, I mean it wasn't that bad yesterday, but still... I will feel safer under a roof, and if there is a bed it would be AMAZING.

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