62-Kakariko village

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The Princess entered her room with a wide grin, as she closed her door, she looked at her bed and sighted.

I DID IT, I managed to sell the idea of using my corsets, and also got to make Link say he was buying me headphones. He doesn't lie, or so he says, that means I AM GETTING HEADPHONES. He also said that he is visiting Saria tomorrow, I can join him if I want to, but he is leaving early... that means I MUST sleep NOW.

She changed into a night gown and proceeded to sit on her bed for a while, after a while she gained enough courage to turn off the lights.

Not as dark as it could be, common girl, this is your room... your domain, you can do this.

She tossed and turned for a while until sleep finally claimed her. A few minutes later she starts tossing and whimpering in her sleep, tears star falling from her eyes, her hands shoot to her head and she stats pulling on her hair... then she screams waking herself up.

Zelda hugs herself while she starts rocking on her bed, eventually she managed to calm herself, but the tears would not stop rolling down her face.

I don't get it, I was fearing my nightmares would come back, but NOT AS STRONG. The ones I had in Australia were pretty tame... I thought that I had finally overcome this. What is the fucking diff... OMG... its Link. It is with HIM that I don't get nightmares. Zid and Robert  smell like him but couldn't really do it for me. As I said, I still had them just not as bad. But with Link, I sleep like a baby. I don't get why but i don't care.

The Princess stood up and grabbed her pillow before heading outside of her room. She started walking, but as the floor creaked under her weight she started to run towards hell. Once in front of the door she hesitated to knock... but she snorted and begun knocking.

After a while, Ziel opened the door clearly pissed "What?" he said and started taking note on the Princess, the night gown that clearly indicated she had been sleeping, her red puffy eyes, and the pillow she was hugging. His eyes widened at the realization of what was going on, and he began to shake his head.

"No, you can't sleep here... it's not appropriate" he said.

But I just... NO ZELDA. You know you need him to sleep, and HE said his princess is NOT MEEK, so DON'T BACK OFF.

"True, but Hyrule's Princess sleep is of parliamentary importance, I don't mind turning a blind eye on this if it means I get appropriate rest, what about you?" Zelda states as she pushes past him to enter the room.

DID I JUST, WHAT THE FUUUU... breathe girl, prepare for his counter statement.

Link closes his eyes and quickly lifts both of his shoulders "I don't mind, I have slept in worse places" he says as he closes the door and approaches his bed to retrieve his pillow.

He... gave in? no brawling? He... really doesn't mind. Cool but, what is he doing now? WAIT, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Zelda asks a little panicky as she places her pillow on his bed.

Sighting "My Princess wants to sleep In my room, that does NOT mean she is laying with me on the floor" Link drops his pillow "She is sleeping on my bed"

But... I need him to sleep next to me. Damn it, how do I fight this? I need to know what he feels or fears of the situation... all right, let's ask.

The Princess sighs "I... am not a monster, I won't take you out of your bed." She picks up his pillow and places it on the bed next to hers "So why don't we do what we had been doing so far?" Zelda smiles and sits on the bed; she then starts to pat on it to invite him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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