5-The King✔

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The King smiles "I was just going explain to you in detail, let's sit so we can dis-"

"I am fine standing up, thank you" Link answers bluntly

"Pff! but of course, you are an agent from SWORD, you will never put yourself in a vulnerable position voluntarily" the King says as he finally grabs the envelope and quickly scans

"It's actually intact, not forced in anyway" the King then glances at Link

"Do you know who I am?" the King asks letting the question linger a few seconds before continuing

"Of course you know, such a dumb question, I am Daphnes D. Nohansen, current King of Hyrule, which means that the content of this envelope is very important, I am impressed you did not try to read it, I think I like you kid."

Damn it, now I kind of feel bad, I lost count of how many times I tried to open it, but they know me in SWORD, they used a new seal that makes it impossible for me to open it and reseal it without causing damage to the envelope.
If they can't trust me, why do they keep me? Because they love my almost pathological need to KNOW things, that is my best weapon, knowledge is power. The king praising me for being ¨honorable and trustworthy¨ feels like a kick in the balls

The king continues "I consider myself to be... I am going to be honest here, I have succeeded managing the kingdom economy so far, but I am the type of man that believes ¨Peace times create weak men, and weak men can bring about the fall of a kingdom. ¨ The current state of my soldiers is... rather pitiful"

Link struggles to hide his laughter. Hehe you think?

The king squints his eyes "Given your reaction I suppose you have already meet with them. And those are the best Hyrule can currently offer... if we were to experience an attack, Hyrule will fall" the King makes a pause and continues "we need to become stronger. I am not going to expose my kingdom to armed conflict to build muscle... but I can expose the future Queen to somebody that knows and has experience on the topic... the soldiers may suck, but I want to ensure the future Queen knows what to do and what to expect during hardships, I must make sure she is strong, intelligent and capable for when mayhem comes... am I making sense?"

A fucking lot of sense, I like my king, he thinks like a war veteran, and he plans ahead for his people... how could someone like him spawn a brat like Zelda? Or better yet, fall victim of Ganadorf

"You make perfect sense mi lord" Link praises the lord.

"EXCELLENT, it would be good if you put together a topic plan, I'll review it before you start, and please check the closet in your room, anything there that you like and fits is yours, I will arrange for getting clothes your size later so you don't need to bring anything from home, but if you want to bring something the carriage will be free this weekend"

"Wait, what do you think I just agreed to?" Link asks exalted

"To living here of course, that would make exposing and educating Zelda much more efficient"

Link just closes his eyes and rubs them with his left index and thumb.

I can't help with this; I may kill her.

Toc-toc!!! Enters the lawyer with the license and the purple folder, he raises a thumb at the King as he offers Link his SWORD license back.

"My lord, I may look stupid but I assure you I am not, even I know I am not allowed to live in the castle since I am not part of the royal family, to spend a night here will cost me my head if word gets out" Link clarifies

"I know that... I may look brainless but I am a responsible leader, I promise no one will even dare touch a single hair of yours, all you need to do is sign this" the king hands him he purple folder open pointing at where Link needs to sign.

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