10-Agent Wolf✔

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Zelda Pov

Zelda enters her room, the minute she closes the door she drops to the floor sobbing

They love him, they don't even know him but they look at him with such fascination... they can't even look at me without rolling their eyes. Mom must be tired of me, that is my fault, she is sick and I make it hard for her with my rebellious stand, but she IS MY MOTHER, she is supposed to love me no matter what right? And Daphness... he never tried to have a relation with me, I am just an accessory that came with the package, it really hurt a lot to see how they looked at him... what was that? Pride? He then said I was making a tantrum... that offends me because it implies that I behave like a spoiled little brat. And what hursts the most is that none of the adults defended me, they stayed silent and allowed the offense, I guess they also think I am a brat... If they despise me so much, why won't they let me scape... all I want is to live my own life in peace, and let them live theirs too, is that so wrong? what am I supposed to do then? What do they expect of me?

She continued sobbing hugging her knees. 

Link POV

He enters his room, draws his cell phone and dials, no sound or response

"Agent Kid here... I need to stablish communication with Wolf" Link says and hears the connection being stablished


"WHOA, wait, I have important news Claudio, if you would just list-"

"WOLF!!!, agent Wolf to you, stupid zygote"

"Wolf I... have a situation here in Hyrule, I am uncapable of going back to headquarters, if SWORD needs me, they must send a notification to Hyrule's castle from now on" Link informs him

"WHAT!!! Since when do you think you can avoid your obligations here?"

Link laughs a little "since today... I am sending you some pictures to exp-"

"I DON'T WANT YOUR BULLSHIT LINK, I just made up with my wife, no more filthy pictures for me"

He opens his eyes wide "No!!! it's not porn, I am over that" Link says with a sheepish grin "its documents I need you to see"

Link sends the pictures. Once Wolf receives them, he quickly scans the document with his eyes and stars laughing hard. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is FAKE" said Wolf when he saw pictures of the adoption papers

Link requests Wolf for a video call, he needed to show the documents to Wolf, he needed him to believe what happened, so he could be on his side if shit hits the fan. Wolf begins to read the adoption papers and starts berating.

"YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING WITH ME, HOW? WHY YOU? I don't find you special at all"

"I am not, they were expecting Michelle to show up but you know she... I just happened to be there at the right time I guess"

"Damn... Aren't you ashamed that you benefited so much from Michelle's death?" asks Wolf trying to make Link feel bad about the situation.

"Not at all, I grieve her death like everyone else, but this muzzle... I deserve it" Link answers rather sadly, Wolf notices the pain in Link's voice and changes his demeanor.

"Muzzle? Why? What were you asked to do Kid?" Claudio asks genuinely worried.

Link breathes "to correct the course of a stubborn egocentric Princess, and for that I have to be here always, unless SWORD demands my services"

"Oh... that does sound like a nuisance, but If it were me, I would be celebrating, you now have access to commodities, and the only thing they ask of you is to give the princess a few slaps now and then, doesn't sound like a bad deal at all" Wolf adds trying to uplift the spirit

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