19- The bullet is out ✔

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The sun was setting, the castle's garden looked pristine white due to the snow that had fallen the night before. There seemed to be no Gerudos patrolling the area, but they were there... you could hear their laughter coming from inside the castle. , they were toying with the noble's bodies and mocking them.

Link and Zelda walked slowly along the edges of the garden to avoid being spotted. As soon as they crossed the garden, they followed an arrow sign that pointed the way to the moat. As they approached the shore, Link notices something and stops death on his tracks, causing Zelda to collide with his back. He raises his hand to signal the Princess to stay and be quiet.


Ok I will stay but why? is somebody by the shore? Is that why he is walking crouched? I don't see anyone. Damn these breeches keep falling, this belt is not helping at all.

Link was approaching the moat's shore crouching, then he suddenly drops on a knee. He quickly recovers and continues to move forward slowly.

What the... he fell? Isn't he supposed to be trained for this or something?

Link notices a scimitar laying on the snow, he deviates to grab it, then continues moving towards a lone oak tree near the shore. There is a Gerudo expertly camouflaged sitting by the tree. She was either a new recruit or very fucking stupid. She had made the mistake of falling asleep... and that will be her doom. Link continues to approach her silently, once he is close enough, he quickly yanks the Gerudo's pointy tail, effectively exposing her neck. She begins to scream but Link quickly slashes her neck, silencing her forever.

Zelda covers her mouth as she stares at the blood pouring out of the redhead, she watches as the Gerudo's arms go limb and her eyes roll back. Link just let the Gerudo bleed out a few seconds, he then kicked her letting go of the pointy tail, the girl fell forward on a small pool of her own blood.

How did I not notice she was there? How did he notice? I always thought that only really stupid people got mugged by a Gerudo. Since their hair and skin color is an obvious give away... I underestimated their ability to blend with the surroundings.

Now seeing her dead body... I can't help but wonder if he did the right thing by killing her. I mean, she didn't attack us... did HE really needed to kill her?

The Princess thought as she saw how Link was cleaning the scimitar on the dead Gerudo's clothes, and proceeds to search her body for ANYTHING that could be of use to them. He found nothing but rings and expensive collars on her... jewelry she had obviously had taken from the bodies of the nobles.

[The bitches could be seen through the broken windows, they were toying with the noble's bodies and mocking them] The memory of what she saw the Gerudo doing with the bodies morphed Zelda's face from sorrow to pure hatred.

OF COURSE HE HAD TO KILL HER, she would have surely come after us if given the chance, that BITCH is better of dead anyway. I hope she was the only one in the area, we are kind of exposed.

Link signals for Zelda to approach him, she runs to him hoping to get there quickly, or at least before another Gerudo decides to come out of hiding.

"Are you ok?" Zelda asks him with concern

Link just gives her a questioning side glance.

"You fell, I would like to think you are just clumsy... but I know you are not" she immediately explains, more to herself than to him.

"I took gun shoot..." Link squints his eyes thinking on how to explain "I received damage from that loud weapon that made a whole in your door. It left a bullet inside... that is a small metal piece that currently hinders my gait" Link finally says.

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