28-She is coming with me✔

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It was early hours in the morning, the sun had just begun to rise over the horizon. The carpenters from Kakariko village were arriving to finish their repair jobs on the Castle, but they all stopped to wave at Link's running figure, one of them actually yelled out the number 5 smiling, he was calling on the number of laps the Prince had run around the castle. Once Link completed his 10th lap, he stopped to drink some water and cool off a little.


I am glad the carpenters find this entertaining; I wish I could too, but my mind keeps traveling back to the discussion I had with Daphnes yesterday. I must admit that I was the one surprised, he did not even flinch at what I asked, he just produced a sad smile and said NEVER. I still started telling him that I WOULD NOT be taking her with me always, just when the mission is low risk and I can assure she will stay safe and away from harm, he still didn't budge. But he was not screaming either, that only means there is hope.
I am sure he noticed how recent events affected Zelda, but not negatively. She matured so much and is glowing because of it, but his fatherly side can't wrap around the idea of putting her in danger's path on purpose.

A carpenter approaches Link running.

"HEYOOO, we finished the doorframe? Or whatever it is... either way, you asked for it and we delivered"

"Already? that was fast, thanks" Link says surprised.

Rolling his eyes "We work fast, that is why Mutho doesn't fire us, we just lack motivation for most jobs" the carpenter says with pride.

"And what was your motivation this time?" Link asks curious and entertained.

"You running. You asked four our services and left saying you had to finish your 10 laps before noon. We thought you were joking but soon enough you were running your 2nd and 3rd. We took it as a challenge, we just had to finish before you ran your 10th lap, or we would die..." after a few seconds the carpenters cracks in laughter, Link smiles recognizing he liked to play games like that too "We were not actually going to die, it's just a game we like to play" said the carpenter grinning "What we really meant is that we would lose, we hate losing"

Link looks at the legs of the structure, he notices them deeply buried to bring more stability, he smiles since it looks sturdy enough, so he decides to test it. Link jumps to grab the top part of the ¨door frame¨ and starts doing pull ups, the carpenter just stares wide-eyed.

"No complains, it is a fine job" Link says gasping.

The Carpenter nods and was about to say something but Zelda approaches them, so he leaves. Zelda watches Link do pull ups a few seconds and clears her throat to speak.

"Good morning, I... wanted to ask you, how did yesterday's chat with the King go?" the Princess asks with curiosity.

Link stops his exercise and drops to answers her.

"Can't say it went bad, we didn't kill each other"

"So... when are we starting the sword fight training?" she asks hopeful.

Gosh, I had forgotten about this ace, I still have it and I am going to play it HAHAHA. If she goes to Daphnes directly and asks him for this, it will further prove what I told him about her.

Link grins before answering "Wait, what? We did not agree to me doing anything. If you want this, YOU have to be the one to convince him" Link tells her.


"HE WILL NOT, don't be melodramatic. If I bring up the topic, he will suspect I am influencing you, it has to come out of you. You are the princess, and later on you will be the Queen, LEARN TO DEMAND THINGS. Actually... you already know how to do that don't you?" Link quickly lifts his eyebrows and smiles at Zelda "Be that Princess again, the one who saved me." Link gives her a half smile and jumps up to do more pull ups.

We all are animals anywayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora