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Zelda opens her eyes; she was awakened by the sound of birds chirping and the sunlight entering through her window. She opens her eyes wide in panic and jumps out of her bed. She looks at the clock hanging by the window, it read 10:05 am.


WOW, I slept 12 hours straight. That was unexpected, how long has it been? 5, maybe 6 years since the last time I was able to sleep 8hrs straight, and now I slept 12. Something must have changed.
[Link quickly gets on top of her and uses his right hand to grab both her wrists on top of her head, and his left hand to press on her neck]
It was Link. He is still a brute, but he made me feel accompanied. He makes me feel like he KNOW
S my head is in a turmoil, and has taken it upon himself to fix it, whether I wanted it or not. This is a level of certainty I am not accustomed to... but I like it.

She heads to her walk-in closet to properly dress herself, once out in a white dress, she walks to her desk and opens the drawer. The Princess moves trinkets and papers around until she finds the photo she was looking for; she smiles and heads out of her room.

In the middle of her walk towards Link's room, the Princess starts to overthink her current actions, causing her to slow down to a complete stop.

Wait, it's not that early, I may not find him in his room... also, I should have written my dad's name on the back of the picture to make things easier. But I just went through the items in my drawer and didn't saw any ink left. Let's trust Link's memory, or that he has ink and paper to write it down himself.

Zelda thought as she continued to walk down the corridor towards hell. Once in front Link's door she hesitates before knocking, The Princess starts to lower her head, obviously backing down but then a gloved hand slams on the door right next to her. She freezes over for a second and slowly turns around to find Link with his head low trying to catch his breath, he looks disheveled and sweaty.

"You should teach me how to do that" Zelda states.

Link raises his head to look at her with a questioning look, still trying to catch his breath.

"To walk without making a sound I mean" she clarifies.

He smiles "Impossible if you are using heels, do you need anything?" Link asks.

"Damn it, I definitely can't lose the heels... I brought you the photo of my father" Zelda says handing him the photo.

"Great" Link says lacking excitement, he grabs the photo and enters his room, heads to the desk and grabs his cellphone. After a few seconds he takes a snapshot of the photo with it, then hands the actual photo back to the Princess.

What did he do? I get to keep my father's photo then? I had mourned departing with it yesterday, thinking it was worth it if I got to see him again.

Link was looking at Zelda raising both his eyebrows.

"Right, sorry, I was... Bardick Tudor is the name"

Link types it on his cell and shows it to Zelda.

"Did I write the name correctly?"

Zelda looks at the little screen of his cellphone and is amazed at the quality of the image, it almost looked better than the actual picture, she reads and rereads the name at the bottom of the image, just to making sure there is no spelling errors. She then nods at him and he sends it.

"SWORD will notify me of where to find him" Link lets her know.

"How? Do they know where EVERYONE lives?" Zelda asks.

"No... kind of. They only know if there are legal records of you, meaning if you exist on paper they will find you. Your father DEFINETLY exist on paper since SWORD allowed him entrance"

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