59- You don't got me

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Link removed his left glove and placed his hand on the scanner, the machine beeps a few times and access to the building is granted. Zelda noticed his hand... it had a huge spindle-shaped mole covering almost the whole dorsal side of the hand. She was about to comment on it but decided not to. They enter a small white room with no windows, in the center was an office desk, the lady behind it stood up mouth agape. Link chuckles.

"Shut it before a fly gets in" Link says to Carla lifting an eyebrow

"Stop talking and bring him to ME" Carla says stretching her hands trying to reach Zid

"YES MAM" Link yells as he drags Zid by his shirt towards her.

Carla holds Zids face between her hands and moves it from side to side, then up and down. She giggles and suddenly hugs him with more force that Zid thought possible coming from her.

"He does reassemble you, but I think the use of ¨uncanny¨ was an exa...AAAHHHH" Carla screams when she notices the brunette boy standing next to Link, they both stare at her and smile, it looked like a copy paste. She turns to Zid.

"You are not Lee?"

Zid frowns and negates moving his head. Carla grabs him by the shoulders and turns him 180°, then back

"You are Zid... weren't you supposed to have a tail?" Carla asks

The Pirate looks at her unable to comprehend how the fuck did she knew so much, then he hears Link clearing his throat.


Of course, Ziel must have informed her at some point, who is she? Anyway... time to strip, hehehe lets make this sexy.

Zid begins to laugh at his own thoughts and starts shaking his hips as he slowly unties his makeshift belt. Robert starts laughing like a maniac, Zelda just grabs a magazine and sits in one of the chairs available in the reception. Carla looks at a stoic Link.

"Tell him something" she demands of agent Kid

"I am not the adult here" Link retorts


Link rolls his eyes and places a hand on Zid's shoulder "No need for the sexy dance, just take it off and show her."

DAMN, I was having fun watching her being uncomfortable... oh well.

Zid just drops his fanny bag and out goes the tail and it starts coiling on itself a little, Carla gasps in surprise.

"Not that I didn't believe you" Carla says to Link "but I thought it was a small tail, a deformity or something, but this is... I mean how long is it? Does he want it removed?

Do I want it removed? I mean... I am used to it, I would miss it but I could live without it, and life would be a lot easier, so yeah... why not?

NO!!! Link, Robert and even Zelda yelled in unison, Carla jumped a little at that

"He has complete dominion of it, can even hold his own weight with it... it's basically another limb. Why would I want his 3rd arm removed, it's an advantage."

"But it requires to remain hidden, I think it's more of a bother than anything else" Carla says

"Buy him cargo jeans, to give him space to hide a rod or something strapped to his leg where he can coil his tail, believe... that is ALL he needs to keep it hidden"

"But if he still needs to keep it hidden, would it not be better to remove it?" Carla insists

Link sighs and shakes his head "He will eventually need to jump, run or fight... you are asking him to take away a limb that aids his balance... to rid of an extra arm he can use in a fight if the situation demands it. The tail stays."

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