35- Lost Woods ✔

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The sun was rising over the horizon, everything around the castle seemed to be at peace, the only sound that could be heard was the birds chirping, and Zelda's heavy panting as she is jogging around the castle. She looks behind herself in panic as soon as the birds stopped chirping, realizing there is nothing she can do to change the immediate outcome, she decides to push herself and run as fast as she could... but it was not fast enough. Link comes running behind her and rams her to the ground, he laughs before picking himself up and reassuming his run. Zelda assumes a fetal position and begins to cry frustrated.


I KNEW he was going to make it hard for me, but THIS is completely unfair.


"Well..." Link looks at Zelda up and down "it appears you were mindful choosing the attire, or got properly oriented. Overall, it seems functional" Link says nodding.

"Thank you?" Zelda answers unsure if that was a compliment.

"Oh, don't thank me" Link says showing a malevolent smile "Let me set the rules: you run one lap around the castle as fast as you can"

"That is, it?" Zelda asks

"No, I am running too, every time I pass you during my run and you are still not done with your lap, I get to tackle you"

"Well... ok I guess, it's not going to happen more than once, maybe twice, so it's all right, I can take it" Zelda says grinning, Link just looks at her and slowly smiles.

HE IS A FUCKING RACE HORSE, how many times have I been thrown down so far, 4 or was it 5? IT HURTS LIKE HELL, I can already feel the bruises forming. This HAS to be part of his plan to shorten the shopping time, He wants to make me tired and sore, to ensure I will not want to spend a lot of time shopping. I MUST PREVAIL.

Zelda picks herself up and wipes her tears with her hands. She begins to run again. On the good side, she was very close to finishing her lap, on the bad side... the birds on the proximity were no longer chirping.

FUCK... If there is something I have learned, is that the birds are terrified of him.

She could NOT hear him, but the bird's silence meant he was very close. She entered a panic mode and forced herself to run faster that she had ever done, pushing through the pain caused by her sore body. Suddenly she sees Link pass her by her right side, once he put enough distance between them, he stops and turned to look at her. Zelda finishes her jog and drops to the floor to catch her breath; she looks at Link full of curiosity.

"Why didn't you tackle me?" Zelda asks breathing heavily.

Link shrugs "It wouldn't had been fair; you had practically finished your lap" He states.

"So, you CAN be a gentleman, I am so lucky" Zelda states rolling her eyes.

"Don't push it girl, I consider myself to be FAIR, but don't mistake that with chivalry, I am NOT a gentleman, and if provoked, I can be vindictive" Link says pointing at a bruise that was already showing in her exposed shoulder. She adjusts her tunic back in place hiding it from sight.

"Go eat something and take a shower, I will catch up with you when I am done here" Link says, Zelda nods at him and stands up to runs inside the castle.

He said vindictive, so this is his revenge on me? what for? I have been nice.

As the princess climbs the stairs to her room, she hears a familiar humming and a door closing, Chacha must be inside her room cleaning it.

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