29- Raider Prince and Thief Princess✔

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GUARDIAN, the plan Daphnes is setting in motion is to make me Zelda's legal guardian, this is a risky move for him. On one side it means that I WONT EVER do anything against the Princess, since I will be legally obligated to her now. But on the other side I will be granted a higher status... meaning that I will be allowed to drag the princess out of Hyrule whenever I see fit, no questions asked.

The look on the King's eyes tells me HE KNOWS he is basically relinquishing her off to me. He is just too proud to admit he is complying to my request of letting her out of Hyrule. His lawyer made me swear to keep this a secret. Daphnes made sure to stress on the fact that if Claire found out, she will not be happy, and could easily put a stop on the legal process. And if Zelda found out, she will feel like a new shackle was put around her neck and fight it. My King made sure to double checked if he could expect secrecy from me on this matter, he even asked the same thing but with different wording. Hehehe... he is starting to get the hang with me, not sure if that is a good thing or not.

Sebas found the King's request odd, but was utterly happy that this time it's going to be an easy job, the only authority he needs to consult is the King of Hyrule himself, meaning his job is done, all he has to do is to put it on paper with fancy words.

Link was heading to his room, but changed his mind and decided he needed fresh air to clear his head, TOO MUCH had happened in a matter of hours... SWORD found 2 impossible guys that appear to match his DNA, and he just got told he was to become Zelda's guardian.

As he was heading out, he passed by Nana's kitchen noticing a tall man hugging her. Link immediately stopped and entered the kitchen. The man lifted his amber eyes that hid behind a black mane to stare back at Link, it was clear they were sizing each other up. Nana noticed someone had entered and turned to look at the newcomer, once she realized it was Link the color drained from her face, after a few seconds she approached Link covering her distress with a smile.

"Good morning, it's good that you are here now, that way I can introduce you two, this is José...my son. Pepe this is"

"I know who he is... the guy that fights with you constantly and has even lied to you, but I am supposed to be worshiping the ground he stands on because he saved you and Chacha. That guy, right?" Pepe asks cynically.

Nana opens her eyes wide in fear, and stares angry at her son. Link was partially smiling, amused with the guy. Pepe was rude, but not afraid to be upfront, and Link appreciated that character in a man, specially coming from the man who is supposed to take care of his favorite lady in the castle.

"Precisely that guy, nice to meet you" Link extends his hand for a shake, his grey eyes never breaking contact with Pepe's own angry stare.

Pepe strongly grabs Link's hand for a shake, but he is meet with Link's own strong hold.

Note to self: I must be in my right mind at all times. Unexpected things can and will happen as long as I reside in the castle.

Pepe slowly shows a smile and uses his grip on Link's hand to pulls him into a hug, he uses his other hand to taps on Link's back a few times then releasees him. Link then turns to Nana.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU HAD A SON" Link yells at Nana smiling.

"It never came out, and honestly, I don't like talking about him" Nana answers ashamed.

What the fu-?

José laughs "Yeah... when your mom loves you but is ashamed of you" Pepe said with a cynical grin.

ling her eyes "That is because you only know how to do mischief, do you know how long it took to rid of the smell of your stunt on the throne room? Everyone was talking about you and judging me, you just bring me shame with all your crazy shit. I believe Daphnes should not have forgiven you this time, with all you have done by now, you deserved jail time."

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