44- Organ Farm

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The TAXI stooped at what appeared to be the end of civilization, the ground ceased to be pavemented, not allowing vehicles to continue, but the diver got them as close as he could to their destination. Link paid the ride and Zelda just looked as they were left behind in a cloud of dust, in the middle of what felt like a desert. Link approaches her to tell her something, she begins to complain a little but just drops to sit on the ground puffing as she sees the boys running off together.


And he left me again... THEY left me, I really hope it won't take them long, its hot in here. Where am I by the way? this look like a prairie, a very dry and unkept prairie. Who builds a store in the middle of this? Link said a store was not far from here, that they would visit and be back soon... why couldn't I go with them?

VVVRRRROOOOOOOOMMM!!! Zelda immediately stands and turns scared, as two guys close in on her mounting a very slim vehicle that uses only 2 tires to move. One of them extends a hand at her. The Princess hesitates

Why would I take his hand? Who is he? Any decent man won't hide his face like that.

Link angels his head in wonder and then realizes what the problem is, he lifts the helmet visor. Zelda immediately recognizes those gray eyes and takes his hand; Link pulls her to mount the dirt bike behind him.

"Hold on tight, and close your eyes and mouth" Link says as he starts driving away, followed by Lee.

Close my eyes? But how would I look at the sena- OH FREAKING

Zelda rubs her eyes on Link's back

A freaking piece of something got in my eye, this vehicle can ride in all this dirt, but it spits pieces of it right at the driver, the helmet makes sense I suppose. I GOT IT NOW; I WON'T OPEN MY EYES. And i have to say, a GENIOUS businessman builds a store in the prairie to sell a vehicle that can move around in the terrain.

Zelda thought as they started to slow down, Link was making hand sings for Lee to stop too. They exchanged a few words and left the dirt bike on the floor next to a tall prickly pear cactus. Zelda began to look around, the excessive light would not really allow her to see much, but she slowly started to see a building ahead of her. it was tall, but not too tall, 2 stories high maybe... but it still looked ominous to her somehow. Link and Lee slowly approach her.

"The kids are in there aren't they?" Zelda asks referring to the kids

"If they still are, yes" Link answers somberly, the stares back in shock.

OH DIN, they could be death? Why? I really don't see what could they gain from killing those kids.

"If we don't get killed first" Lee adds cheerfully

"Speaking about safety... let me take look around the entrance, both of you stay right here, just wait for my signal. I MEAN IT ROBERT, DON'T ENGAGE" Link warns

Lee rolls his eyes and nods; Link starts heading to the building crouching and trying to use the few patches of tall grass and cacti to cover his advance. Zelda was finding it difficult to focus her sight, the sun was not helping at all.

"Is it normal to find it so difficult to focus my sight right now?" Zelda asks

Robert answers laughing "Yes, it's the brightness, most people use shades to see properly at this hour" Robert informs her.

Shades? What is even that? I don't think he means using you own shadow; how would that work? ... is that bright dot twinkling the signal?

Zelda points it at Lee, he smiles and nods grabbing her hand and crouching to approach the building. Once they got there, Zelda noticed a small bus parked by the entrance.

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