54-The youngsters had no idea

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"The assignment is to get rid of a group that has been assaulting people in the rural region of Sidney. The inhabitants are frightened and the government ignores their pleas for security." Link sighs "the assailants steal food, crops, money and sometimes people... We are talking RURAL here" Link looks at his brothers and Zelda "that means, aboriginals that distrust tourist. Direct contact with them will result in panic or hostility from the inhabitants, hence we are not even approaching them or their villages, we are staying out in the open, and we hunt our own food" Link informs them.

Lee nods and Zelda starts going through her backpack, Link notices and adds

"Free as much space as possible in your backpack, if we manage to find fruit or anything we can eat, we need a place to store it" Link says looking at Robert too while he starts taking everything out of his own backpack, choosing what was truly necessary, and what he could leave behind. Robert recharged his gun and choose to leave behind a few old t-shirts. Zelda threw out 2 denim shorts Carla gave her as a present, she never got to use them but was not going to miss them even a little. Link doesn't use shorts for a reason, right? she won't use them either.

"Can I help in anyway?" Zid asked

"YES, open that drawer there and bring me the blanket at the very bottom" Zelda tells him

Zid walked to what looked like a small box, he opened it hoping that WAS the drawer Zelda talked about. Inside it were 2 pillows and a few blankets, he grabbed the one at the bottom as Zelda instructed... it was a very old stained blanquette with a few holes.

"Is this one it?" Zid asked a bit confused by the state of the blanket

"YES, thanks" she says as she rolls the blanket enough to fit it in her backpack and still have a small amount of free space. She was taking that blanket to guarantee them a surface to sleep on.

"You are stealing that right?" Zid asks tilting his head

"Maybe but... it's a very old blanket, I bet they won't miss it, I don't think they even remember to have it in the first place." Zelda claims starting to feel judged.

Link sighs "I over paid the owner of the hostel for this room, my Princess can take the blanket if she wants, I am sure it costs less than the amount extra I paid" Link says

Zelda looks at Link surprised he choose to side with her. She smiles at him and mouths ¨thank you¨

Zid looks at the Princess as she starts to hum happily storing the blanket and asks "You are not scared at all by this, are you?"


Zelda smiles "Why should I be? I am with all of you... Ziel is a DAMN GOOD TRACKER and-"

"Who the fuck is Ziel?" Robert asks as he puts on his backpack

Link falls back on his butt, his arms resting on his knees as he stares up glaring at his princess, he was waiting for an answer.

"You of course" the Princess points at Link

Link frowns and point at himself raising an eyebrow, Zelda exhales exasperated.

"it's YOUR name you know... Ra-ZIEL"

Link raises both his eyebrows in surprise.

IT IS MY NAME, DAMN. I forgot... when did she came up with the nickname? I never thought she would waste her time pondering on a nickname for me, ME of all people. I actually kind of like it. Better than Ra or Razy like Wolf suggested.

"Wait, Raziel is your name? you presented yourself as Link, or is that just your code name?" Lee asks perplexed

"Raziel Link Nohansen is his full name" Zelda says grumpily as she closes her backpack, she was still a little pissed at Link for forgetting the name her mother chose for him. Queen Claire taking time and effort to do something for someone not even blood related was RARE. She had been jealous of him for this, and now he just forgets.

We all are animals anywayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang