16-Fall out✔

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I guess that means I have to get up and go eat breakfast... or try at least, I am still not completely recovered from the Princess's personal brand of nourishment. I don't know what I was thinking, it was a small bite but it did a lot of damage, my stupid ass JUST HAD to make sure if she was really going to kill me.

Link gets out of bed, gets himself dressed in a simple tunic and some breeches, grabs his cellphone and stores it, then washes his mouth and heads to Nana's kitchen for some breakfast. He stops in front of Zelda's door; he grins and was about to knock on her door but stops himself.

What the fuck am I doing? This is NOT the way... I want her to suddenly realize her plan failed, and have to fake a smile to keep appearances, THAT IS THE WAY. I should hurry downstairs; I need to make sure my girls will stay away from the castle... I need them to be safe.

Link turns and continues down the stars towards Nana's kitchen. Once he reaches the kitchen, he looks around hoping that she is not there... but finds her serving what appears to be soup.

"HELLO THERE" he yells waving his hand at Nana, she smiles back at him.

"I thought you were going to skip the guard's breakfast today, with the ball preparations and all, I was sure you were gonna be too tired to wake up early and come" Nana tells him.

"Why would I miss it? I need your cuisine if I want to survive the ball" he tells her very seriously but avoiding eye contact

"HAHAHAHA, stop being so dramatic, you are going to do just fine"

Link sighs if only...

"You are not the main cook Ivanna, and the guards are gone because of the ball, why are you still here?" Please just go, you don't have to be here, it's not safe, JUST GO.

"I was thinking about taking the day as suggested by the butler, but I can't leave my 4 big boys without food, I stayed to cook breakfast and prepare a small treat for later"

"4 boys?" Link asks her a little jealous

"3 guards that stay today to protect the King, but they will be disguised, and YOU of course"

She stayed because the idea of leaving us hungry bothered her? She needs to set her priorities straight, she wakes up early EVERY DAY for them, she is allowed to be selfish today, isn't she?... NO, that would not be her, she is a mother in soul and in practice, if we let her, she will baby ALL of us, and smack us if she feels like we need it.

Nana continues "And now I was thinking that maybe I should stay, it's the ball... somebody may need help, I will gladly help even the Cook if he asks me, unlikely because he hates me, but one can only dream"

Link looks at her directly in the eyes "Ivanna... leave, take this as a day off, go visit somebody or do whatever, but don't stay, you already work hard and long hours, let the rest of the workers earn their salary, LEAVE."

"OH, WOW... sounds like YOU don't want me here, and I thought you and I were" Link interrupts her rant by hugging her, this makes Nana stop talking immediately.

Link sighs "You are right, I don't want you to be here today, enjoy your free day, and sleep well because I want to try some beef liver or heart tomorrow" he releases her from his hug, and smiles.

Nana looks at Link with curiosity and suspicion, then releases a sigh "all right, I will leave if that makes you happy, right after breakfast of course, its beef gut in green salsa, how much do I serve you?" she says happily grabbing the ladle.

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