47-I want in

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The room was quiet, except for sounds of shots coming from the TV. It was not loud, Link had lowered the volume enough to let his Princess and the children sleep, he frowned as he lost again, and handed the controller to Lee. Robert played the mission masterfully, learning from previous attempts and from watching Link play, it appeared he would finally complete the mission, but was spotted and received a bullet to the head at the end.


"I say fuck it, let's go to sleep" Link says tired

"Good idea, you... are not going to ask me about what happened after you left?" Lee asks

"What for? They seem good, you are good" looks at Lee's damaged hand "Kind of... it appears that dealing with them was harder than expected" Link says half smiling 

"It wasn't a joy ride at, but they both are good kids, needless to say you OWE me"

Link stares and laughs at that, but Robert is not laughing 

Wait, he is serious about this? COME ON

"I thought you were doing this philanthropically" Link states.

"I always seek to gain something for anything I do... anyway, I want you to go to sleep knowing that YOU OWE ME"

He WANTS something, cut the crap and just tell me what you want... or is he trying to manipulate me? I never thought he was THAT kind of guy. No, I STILL THINK he is not that kind of guy, so what is wrong? Is it shame? Or does he believes is too much to ask of me?

Link looks up at the ceiling sighting loudly "let's say I do owe you, when you owe someone, you are supposed to pay, and I WILL pay, just please don't ask for something outlandish"

Robert just smiles at Link and nods satisfied, then turns to choose a spot in the middle of the room to sleep, no pillows, no extra sheets, he just dropped to the floor. Link also chooses a spot near Lee to fall asleep, the beds where currently being used by Children and Zelda.

A few hours later Link suddenly wakes up feeling movement around him. He slowly turns to see what is happening and finds Ben trying to accommodate himself between Robert and him, once he does, he falls asleep really fast.

What the fuck? Why? Was the bed uncomfortable?
*dude, I think he had a nightmare, his eyes were teary, he just wanted to feel safe... he is giving the BOTH of you a compliment, he feels safe in your presence.

Link decided to smile about it and went back to sleep. By morning he opened his eyes to see Lee sitting with a puzzled look on his face, next to him and hugging Ben was Millie, and behind Link himself was Zelda.

"Did something happened while I was sleeping?" Lee asks shocked and curious

"Not that I know off, don't question it. Do me a favor, would you call the Hotel's kitchen and order 4 breakfast?" Link asks

Lee negates shaking his head "We are not 4, we are 5... are you ok? Yesterday you only ate 2 slices"

*Tell him, he will understand

"I actively try to remain hungry while on duty, I don't think or move as efficiently on a full stomach" Link bluntly states.

Lee widens his eyes once he understands what Link said, he has questions but chooses to leave it for a later time, he heads for the drawer to use the land line. Link starts moving Zelda to wake her. She sits up yawning

"What are you doing sleeping on the floor Princess?" Link asks genuinely curios

"I don't know, I woke up in the middle of the night and all of you appeared to be having a pajama party, I just decided to join uninvited"

We all are animals anywayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя