49- A known criminal

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Link didn't trust the only taxi available outside of the airport, the driver appeared to be under the influence. So, he decided to walk, even though it was going to be a very long walk, Link bought a few water bottles and they started to walking without a direction. All the information provided was that he was treated recently in a rural community clinic due to an electrolyte imbalance. No name or age, no direction either, hence the only option available is to head for that clinic and start asking around. As they were walking, Zelda felt a little tired, and the need to drink a little. She asked for a small recess to drink. The boys complied and pulled out their own water bottle. The Princess remembered she wanted to ask Link something as she was storing her water bottle.


"Link, have you received any information about the kids?" Zelda asks

"Yes, their families have been located, they will be returned shortly. Millie was kidnapped, Ben was an accident, he got inside the bus by himself, he was just curious of the BIG car and unsupervised, it was easy for the abductors to just take him too. Both families were searching for them"

"Wow... I am glad for Ben and Millie, but I was asking for kids who drowned" Zelda clarifies

"What about them?" Link answers annoyed

"It was an organ farm you said, and they died, where the organs still used?" she asks puzzled by his tone of annoyance

"I don't know, and I don't care" Link states plainly

"WHAT? But... the organs, they were meant for other kids, right? they still need that organ"

"Let me repeat myself, I could fucking care less" Link stops and turns to stare directly at Zelda

"I will tell you something that for some reason you keep forgetting, so engrave it on your head this time. I am NOT the hero, I am not here to save anyone, I will if it does not interfere with my primary mission AND if I feel like it" Zelda's eyes start tearing, he just breaths in and continues "the buyers paid to kill a child so their own child could live, they don't deserve any sympathy from me"

"But their children, they are innocent in all this" Zelda tells him sobbing

"Not sure about that. A rose doesn't bloom in gravel. The parents paid for someone to freeze children to death, to ensure the integrity of the organs for later use on their own child. What can I expect from a child raised under the guidance of narcissistic parents? I will tell you what, for him to grow up and do something even worse and end up under one of my blades... I rather them death now than having to deal with them later" Link tells her bluntly

Zelda's eyes are tearing heavily, but she refuses to shed them "They don't have to follow that path; they could turn out to be good"

"That type of outcome is RARE; I am not going to waste my and SWORD'S time waiting to see how it plays out. I say good bye and good riddance" he ends on a somber tone.

Zelda whimpers finally letting the tears fall, but she immediately wipes them using her hands, Link now turns to address Robert who has remained stoic during the whole discussion. Link was doubting about what he was about to say next... but he had to follow the bread crumbs.

"This IS part of what the job involves, you still want in?" Link asks Robert almost challenging him.

"it's cruel but necessary, I don't see a reason why I should withdraw from my choice" Robet declares

Link nods at his brother pleased, and they reassume their walking. Zelda eventually stopped crying all together, she could not believe Link to be so cold blooded, but apparently, he was. And the worst thing about it is that he had a very solid reason to be like that.

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