61-Happy Birthday Princess

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As Link closed the throne room's door, he sighs and turns towards the Princess.

"That was... a little too much, was not aware you had it in you... the fortitude to engage with them like that." Link said grinning.

Zelda answered with a smile of her own "I KNOW, I was not aware either... It just happened; I was angry and also afraid for my mom. Who the fuck gets told what to do to help themselves and still refuses to do it?"

He sighs as they begin walking "a LOT of people actually"

"Really? Must be stressing, like you have force them to remain alive you know."

Link chuckles at that. indeed, my suicidal Princess

Link suddenly starts pointing his arm to the stairs leading to their rooms. "You should go and check on the corsets, maybe even wear one for dinner tonight. I will search for Nana..." he commands her.

"Divide and conquer, sure." Zelda says as she starts walking to her room, right before the stairs she yells "I am keeping your clothes for next time, I am sure you don't mind, right?"

Link shakes his head no to answer and proceeds to Nana's kitchen.


The Princess approaches her bedroom, but notices there is no package for her by the door. She breaths in deeply to calm herself, there must be an explanation after all, she opens her door, Chacha is inside her room using her desk to write on a book, Zelda recognized the book as the one she had given her before leaving.

I was not expecting to find her in my room, but it's nice to know that Chacha has been doing the homework I left for her... I have never had someone take me so seriously, I adore her.

The maid notices she is not alone anymore and turns her head to look at the door. She then jumps from the chair and smiles at Zelda happily, she then proceeds to perform a deep curtsey.

"Welcome back my Princess" Chacha says grinning

Zelda chuckles and extends her arms for a hug, Chacha rushes to comply laughing. Then immediately separates herself from the hug and points at a corner in the room.

"You got that yesterday, it's kind of heavy for being such a small package" the maid said

Zelda walks to the corner and picks up the package smiling "is a clothing article, I want to try it on actually... tell me a color"

"I don't know... blue?" Chacha blurts out 

"Baby blue or navy-blue?" Zelda genuinely asks

"NAVY BLUE OF COURSE, why do you have a baby blue dress? Throw that away, you may look cute on it, but it doesn't really match your age anymore"

"HA HA HA, I may throw ALL the baby colors from my closet... since in a week I will no longer be a girl" Zelda proudly informs the maid.

"SHOOT, I... still have the 100 rupees Link gave me, is there anything around that prize that I could buy you as a present?" Chacha asks concerned

Zelda turns to look at the maid in shock "Link gave you 100 rupees? Why?"

"For a job I did for him... or that's what he made me believe. He rewarded me for my work with a free day and rupees for me to spend however I liked, but I bet it was all part of his plan to get me out of the castle before the attack... I am sure of that now."

Oh, that was a smart move on his part to get her out of here, and all without revealing anything and causing panic. So thoughtful of him to go out of his way to save a maid... but why THIS maid? DOES HE CARES FOR CHACHA? Of course he does, he asked for her and stopped me from completely taking her away from him.
Am I getting envious of Chacha? ZELDA, get a grip. You had rationalized this already, it's not love, so don't act possessive... and if it were love, YOU STILL DON'T ACT POSESIVE OF HIM, I read men hate this.
Chacha is my friend, it's not her fault that I can't handle my hormones, so don't go taking it on her.

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