55-Camping with the boys

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The sun was setting, Zid was asked to find a safe place to camp and gather and dry branches for a bonfire. Zelda helped finding and gathering tinder to easily ignite it. Link and Robert headed out to hunt something to dine on.

[Link taped on Lee's shoulder "you come with me and help me hunt, but let's not use your gun this time, I have no hunting license" Robert laughs "fair, I don't mind getting my hands dirty you know?" Robert says as he cracks his knuckles]


I am sure they will bring something, even if small. But how am I going to cook it? I have nowhere to boil it and even if I did have some type of casserole... it's not a good idea to waste the water we brought on that.

"I should have gone with them too you know" Zid says grumbling

"And leave me here all alone and unprotected?" Zelda fakes sobbing in despair

Zid rolls his eyes "TSK, we both know you don't really need me; the area is secure enough and you are not defenseless. But my bros... not that they are weak or anything, it's just that they could easily get attacked by a dangerous animal. And its already late, there is not enough daylight for them to spot tracks for a hunt, or notice an incoming animal attack... I should have gone with them, to help you know"

O my... he cares. He can be a little rough at some of his edges but... what is there not to love about Zid?

Grinning "Don't worry about them, they will manage, in the mean time you cou-" Zelda stops mid-sentence, eyes wide in fear and worry. Zid turned distressed by the face he saw on the Princess. The figure standing there with them was Link, he was drenched in blood. Zelda was about to rush to him, to check if he had any injury but he winked an eye at her grinning, that action alone put her at ease immediately. Zid gasped and slapped his palm on his own forehead.

"Things did go according to plan" Link informed them with half a smile

"We had a plan?" Robert states in anger as he approaches them, he was disheveled and covered in dust and mud.

"No, but I thought I could improvise this time" Link says confidently

"Don't get me wrong, you and Zelda are EXELENT at that shit, but this time you involved ME... why the fuck would you thought that I will be fine with this? I got dirt everywhere, even inside my boxers" Lee yells exasperated as he shakes some of the dust from his pants.

"Must I remind you that you said you didn't mind getting your hands dirty, or are you backing off like a little pussy?" Link challenges

"NEVER, I said what I said and I stand by it... I jumped on the fucking boar, didn't I? you just stayed back smirking and clapping"

Link starts walking away laughing "Yeah... sorry about that, I could not take my eyes off the sight of you wrestling a feral pig. But you DID get back at me when you pushed me into the pool of blood and innards"

They left the innards behind? Why?

"Wait... we are not eating the innards?" Zelda asks a little worried, no innards meant less food for the group.

Hearing her voice tone, Link realizes her concern and chuckles "No innards this time, we can't boil them and roasting innards is a hassle, we just eat the meat this time, it's still enough meat, don't worry"

"That sounds good, but where is the meat?" Zelda asks with concern

Link stops and opens his eyes wide turning to scream at Lee

"MOTHERFUCKER, you forgot the meat back there on purpose, didn't you?" Link yelled as he opens his backpack drawing big chunks of meat out, he was smiling at his own theatrics.

We all are animals anywayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon