31- He just became popular✔

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The carriage was taking Zelda and Link to the drawbridge at the entrance of the market, but before arriving it made a turn to enter a middle-class residential area. Link appeared to be calm and collected, Zelda was proud of that, she helped A LOT to get him to that state, right now she was only supervising him. The last thing she wanted was for Link to revert to anger. That would be like throwing out all her work.


And we are here, now which one is his house? I requested Cormac to inform me of Martin's location, but I cannot recall any information from that conversation. Once we got on the carriage, Zelda gave herself the task of helping me regain a calm state, I have to admit she did a decent job, she has been reminding me who I am and what I stand for, she also painted me a picture of reality according to Martin, how he surely feels ashamed and just needs reassurance, not scolding from me... and she is right.
BUT since I am not the perfect example of civility, I figured that if I am not going to hit him, then I am going to embarrass him.

My plan is to start yelling for him to come out. Do I care if other civilians listen in on everything? No, I am counting on that. Have I informed the princess about this plan of mine? OF COURSE NOT. She will try to dissuade me... and I really want to force him to come to me, I am doing 90% of the approach, so he can do the final 10% to reach me. Besides, I think he need this more than I do.

The carriage comes to a halt, once it does Link does not wait for the driver to open the carriage's door, he opens it himself and climbs down, helping the princes to climb out too. Then walk a few steps away from the carriage and starts screaming.


Zelda opens her eyes in fear, then punches him in his arms and chest with anger. All the houses in the vicinity turn their lights out but left their windows half closed. The residents were afraid but also loved gossip, they still wanted to hear what was about to happen.

"What are you doing? You will scare him away" Zelda says fuming.


Zelda was pulling on Link trying to make him retreat to the carriage, when they suddenly hear a door slam open, Martin comes out of it and slowly approaches Link, he then grants the Prince a reverence.

"You called me my Prince, so here I am" says Martin unable to hold Link's gaze

Lifting an eyebrow "There you are, so you are able to come to me... so why am I here then? Why do I have to come fetch you?" Link asks a little angry at the audacity of the man in front of him.

"I... can't. I am unworthy of your presence, unworthy of the castle" answers Martin pitifully.

"ACCORDING TO WHO? All I know is that I requested your presence and you did not show" Link states, not angry yet but he made sure to be loud and assertive... he wanted the people to hear.

Martin opens his eyes wide in surprise at what he was told "But my Prince, all I can provide to you is my work, which is obviously faulty, I was to make your jackets resistant to piercing and-"

"AND YOU DID" damn it Martin, don't make me lose my calm when there are civilians listening.

"NO, I DID NOT... you still got wounded" Martin yells back hugging himself.

Link breaths deeply to regain his calm "It was not a piercing wound, the weapon used on me applies a force equivalent to 10 spears, and it still didn't kill me" Link says wiggling his eyebrows at Martin.

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