26. Family is a heavy concept✔

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"That was all" Link says exhausted by Nana's interrogation.

And I thought I had her under control, I did yell at her, just to stop her from punishing herself against the floor. Who bangs the head against the floor seeking redemption? I yelled at her and I don't regret it, she can't be doing that, besides NONE OF WHAT HAPPENED was her fault. Luckily, she did manage to grasp and accept the notion that she was guilt free. But now rises back with renewed strength like a phoenix seeking vengeance, and I am the target.

"I... don't believe you, I know you are leaving big chunks out" Nana states as she finishes preparing a red sauce.

Of course I am leaving details out of my narrative, there are some rather gory things you should not know about, it does not benefit you or me... besides it's not only my story. I don't want to betray the Princess's trust by revealing something about her.

"But I will leave this matter to rest, I want to eat at pea-FUCK!!!" Nana yells

She rushes to turn off the stove before the contents boil out of the casserole. Once everything is back under control, she pours the contents in the sauce and mixes everything.

Nana sighs. "You know what the sad thing is? I REALLY wanted my surprise to be a casserole, a BIG clay casserole. Don't get me wrong, keeping my life IS a very good present, I am not complaining"

Link lifts one eyebrow and smirks "But what good does it do to keep on living if my job drains it out of me?" Link finishes the statement for her.

"I DID NOT SAID THAT!!!... gosh, I must have sounded like such an ungrateful bitch" Nana says mumbling the last part.

"Yes, you did. But I forgive you... I get it actually, you need proper cooking utensils, your current ones are too small, and your job demands LARGE quantities. That keeps you tied to the stove all day, having to cook the same dish again and again, just to meet the daily food demands of your boys."

"YES, wow, you understand" Nana says as she serves Link a dish.

"I am still giving you a new casserole, just clarifying" Link reminds Nana.

Zelda enters the kitchen in kind of a rush, she looks around and when her gaze falls on Link she slowly approaches.

"The Queen and I are going to the market, is there anything from there that you need? Vendanges, soap, anything? And WHAT IS THAT?" She asks pointing at Link's food.

"Beef entrails in red sauce" Link says smiling and spinning a fork in his hand.

Nana lowers her head trying to hide herself in shame, she knows the food she cooks is not good enough for a royal, it does not smell that good, or look appetizing, her eyes start to tear up a little.

"That sounds ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING" Zelda says looking around the table.

Link half smiles and hands her his fork, she takes it and digs in his plate for a bite. Link turns to Nana and notices she is staring in disbelief; her mouth is wide open. He signals for Ivanna to close it. She immediately shuts her mouth and turns to wash something, her cheeks turning red.

"Damn, this is A LOT BETTER than what I did... she is cheating though" Link looks at her with a questioning glance "seasoning everything to perfection IS cheating" the Princess tells Link who is laughing at this point, he stretches his hand to reclaim the fork.

"Ivanna, right? would you save a small portion for me? I will eat it once I get back from the market" Zelda says as she hands Link the fork and exits the kitchen.

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