53- He is Chaos

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Link stared at the tail for what felt like hours to Zid, but in reality, was just a couple of seconds.

"In case you forgot about it, there is a lady present" Link says glancing in the Princess's direction.

Zid nods and starts to pick up his trousers, but Link snapped his fingers to draw Zid's attention, then held up his palm to signal Zid to wait. Link walk towards his backpack and opens it to pull out some boxers, he then grabs the knife he hides in his boot to quickly make a hole on the boxers.

"Am I supposed to remain half naked then?" Zid asks annoyed.

Link hands Zid the boxers "put these on, I teared a hole for that appendage of yours, I don't what you to keep coiling it around your leg, I understand the need to hide it, but you are applying too much pressure on your leg, it looks a little purple, and now that I think about it, it's probably the root cause of your limp isn't it?"


Well yeah... it is. I can't stop doing it though. Damn that sounded like I am justifying purging, I mean I KNOW I am skinny, but I am not bulimic. I won't stop because pressing on my leg with it prevents me from moving it and being noticed. And of course my leg it's a little blue, I have been chocking it with my tail since you kidnaped me.
I am kind of surprised at Link's observational skills, and how fast he connected the dots; I guess I am not used to being paid so much attention to. I still consider him an asshole.
WOW... this piece of clothing feels so soft. I am gonna keep it.

"I had to keep it hidden and avoid it moving so nobody would notice. My solution was to coil it around my leg pressing hard" Zid said as he moved his tail around enjoying the freedom "this really doesn't bother you?" Zid asks

"Your limping bothered me, not this." Link turns to Robert "you can release her now, Zid is decent"

"You call THAT decent? He is not wearing trousers" Lee complains

"He is not naked, that is decent enough" Link says rolling his eyes "Zelda is not going to mind"

Lee sighs and turns the Princess to face her new brother. Zelda's jaw drops, she slowly approaches Zid her gaze fixed on his cerulean eyes, and not on his tail. That amazed and kind of scared Zid.

"Zid, is that real? Why were you hiding something so amazing?"

EXCUSE ME? This is FAR from amazing, it almost got me killed way too many times... you have no right to make me feel special about it, I KNOW I am not. Stop playing with my emotions bitch.

"What is so amazing about an animal part attached to me? or are you saying it's amazing I have managed to stay alive despite it"

Link makes a hand gesture to invite Zid to sit on the tatami, he also sits across from Zid and Zelda follows sitting next to Link, on the other hand Lee chooses to remain standing.

"Do you know how you got that tail? And no... I am not going to ask for the blood test to be redone, they already ran it 3 times before telling me you are my match, that means WE ARE A MATCH. So, start speaking bro."


Zid opens his eyes as confusion sets in. Where is he? Why is he in a bag of some sort? And most important of all... who is he? He could not remember ANYTHING, he tried but his memory was a void. He managed to open the potato sack he was in and was about to climb out of it, but stopped as soon as he heard voices.

"I say we put some stones on the sack and throw him in the ocean"

"Yeah, that sounds easy enough. I will miss him you know, I kind of liked his company, but he was born male, buyers pay for the girls with animal parts, not for boys, they don't find them cute enough. Did I tell you how much we are receiving for X2P-678?"

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