17-Gerudo attack✔

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I am bored, seriously this IS a gathering of pompous nobles who just come to brag and check if they still have it better than others. I really have not been paying attention to names and faces, I just smile and shake hands... well, I did scare the Akkala people by almost revealing how they ran away in fear of my King. Let's be perfectly clear here, it was not a petty move on my part, they DESERVED IT after the stunt they tried to pull... BUT I had to abstain because my Queen looked at me with disapproval.

"I just find boring all this talk about politics, honestly I would rather dance right now, what about you?" a noble random girl asks Link, kind of hopping he gets the hint and asks her to the dance floor.

Link turns to her sporting a dashing smile "Honestly I just want to fill your mouth with grapes" he answers placing a grape on her mouth as he eats one himself. The noble girl was in shock at his antics and started coughing. Link chuckled darkly at this.

Hopefully that will choke... shut her up.

"If you would excuse me" Link says leaving her side and heading towards the Queen, who seemed to be in distress.

A challenge in itself, since he had to cross A SEA of people to get to Queen Claire, and he SHOULD AVOID doing anything that could be considered rude. Meaning he could not bump into them for it could be perceived as an aggression, and he was obligated to stop and talk if they wanted a word with him.

"Is everything all right my Queen?" Link asks when he finally reaches her.

"Yes... actually no. My husband seems stressed and anxious, seeing him like this has me on edge, like something is going to happen, and that odd flash I saw is not helping with my concerns"

A veil of angst falls on Link "WHAT ODD FLASH? WHEN DID YOU"

BONG! BONG! BONG! BONG! That is the warning bell, SHIT.

Link grabs the Queen's hand and runs with her to the entrance. A few arrows fly across the ballroom shattering the windows they broke through. People started screaming, a few tried to run but kept stumbling and falling catastrophically, obstructing everyone's attempt at scaping. The previous noble girl tried to exit the ballroom by jumping through a window, but as she reached it so did a Gerudo from the other side, the bandit quickly drew her scimitars and slashed the girl's throat, this happened right next to the Queen.

Despite seeing this, the Queen's expression remained stoic, she did not scream, she kept running. Link ran behind, he had positioned her to run in front so he could watch over her. He couldn't suppress the grin that was forming on his face looking at her. Most of the people present stayed frozen in place out of fear, but not the Queen. Claire kept running fearlessly, jumping over chairs and a few bodies, the screams and blood shedding around her didn't matter... Link could not hide the pride and admiration he felt for his Queen at that moment.

Seconds, the supposed advantage we gained by placing the lookouts was only of a few seconds... DAMN IT, I have to close the ballroom's main gate, that will trap people in here with the Gerudo. Am I sorry for them? not at all. I am a SWORD agent, I don't save people, that is SHIELD'S route of action, WE are the executioner, and SWORD does not believe in putting yourself in danger for others, if I have to let them die to save myself and keep my promise to the King, THAT IS WHAT I WILL DO.

Once out of the ball room area Link started to close the gate, cutting the connection between the ball room to the rest of the castle

"HOLD IT!!!" Claire yells, but Link continues to lower the gate.

"YOUR FATHER AND SISTER ARE STILL IN THERE" The Queen is screaming and punching Link on his back, he just continues closing the gate, ignoring the screams and the hands trying to reach him through the gate holes, and he also shuts the door behind the gates loudly, not wanting to see what was going to happen to the ones on the other side, then he turns grabbing the Queens wrist aggressively.

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