41- He laughs after all

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It was early in the morning, Link didn't really manage to sleep, even though they used an inflatable mattress he bought. His mind would not let him rest, he checked the time and decided to wake the princess up as a courtesy, to give her time to prepare for the day, since most girls bathe, fix their hair and put on some makeup. That takes them HOURS to do, but he soon found out that his princess was a HUGE exception to the rule. Zelda didn't bathe since she had done that yesterday before sleeping, she just brushed her hair and teeth, pulled a random blouse out of her backpack to put on, and reused yesterday's jeans. Link's constant glare was making her uncomfortable.


He has been staring at me for TOO LONG, I think I look fine, my clothes are on and properly placed, I mean my blouse is not backwards or food stained, my face is clean and my hair is knot free. Why is he staring at me like that?

"Do you need something?" Zelda finally asks Link

He looks at her and answers "I was just wondering, you bought make-up, why are you not using it"

"You told me to do what I saw others do to avoid standing out, the girls at the mall where buying it, so I bought some. Not planning on using it soon though. I don't believe in make-up... If you are pretty, you don't need it. If you are ugly, you REALLY don't need it. Using it will age you and make you uglier over time according to mom, I see no gain using it under any circumstance." Zelda answers with conviction.

Link smiles genuinely at her "with that I agree, let's go then"

They both left the apartment and headed for their middle school, it didn't take them long at all to walk there. As they approached the school entrance, they received curious stares from some of their peers, but mostly nasty glares. Zelda was perplexed by this.

"Do they hate us? Why?" Zelda asks Link whispering

"Not me, but they may hate YOU a little, that is because you are cute" Link answers her

"WHAT!!! That makes no sense, why would they hate me for that?"

"Jealousy maybe, I don't know, a female's psyche is unexplored territory for me" Link answers faking being sorry for not being able to provide her an answer

Jealous... of me? Really? But I am so petite, they are tall, with glossy hair and curvy bodies.

They enter the school and continue walking until they reach Zelda's room, Link leaves Zelda there and tells her to move to the next room in her schedule when she hears the school bell. If she has trouble finding her next classroom, she can ask any teacher for help.

"WAIT, you are leaving me here?"

"My class is somewhere else, I need to hurry to get there, you will survive right?" Link says, then he turns and rushes off, the bell starts ringing.

Zelda shivers and hugs her transparent zipper binder

["THERE, you should be able to carry sheets of paper, your pens and pencils in this" Link hands her the binder "the school requested us to use this or a see-through backpack, since they don't have lockers" Link takes a deep breath "the need to see what students carry at all times, means it's not a safe school environment, you should try to avoid conflict, but don't let them trample you either, am I clear?"]

after taking a big breath Zelda turns to enter her classroom.


"I am terribly sorry madame, I got a little lost since it is my fist day here, may I come in?"

"Of course, you may sweety, there is an open seat next to Briana at the back, or you can sit next to Lee right there, he doesn't talk much though" the teacher says with a tint of warning

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