36-Are you going to tell her?✔

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I have always mocked people who claim to fear darkness, there is absolutely nothing wrong with darkness, the only challenge it brings is that it cloaks your sight, not very different from being asked to close your eyes if you ask me. What people actually fear is the UNKNOWN.

Link was thinking as he was running evasively from the pellets the skull kids where shooting at them. So far, he has been able to avoid the projectiles, sparing himself and the Princess from harm. But he was currently finding it hard to continue dodging for one simple reason, he could barely breathe. Zelda was holding tight to his neck in fear, she was partially chocking him.

I could ask her to loosen her grip on me... but I won't do that to her. She is completely terrified, and has EVERY right to be. She was put on a vulnerable position where I blinded her and forced her to trust I would be able to carry her to safety. In other words, SHE CAN'T SEE OR TRY TO RUN AWAY. All she can do is listen, and what she hears is malevolent children's laughter and the sound of pellets being shot. It must be UNNERVING for her... Yet my Princess has not screamed. She is biting my shoulder instead. I am allowing it because it prevents her from disclosing our location with her screams.
*Quick reminder, the Princess appears to be afraid of heights, be nice and prepare her for the fall*

"We have to fall through a ground hole, it's not a long fall, try not to scream" Link informs her.

Zelda just nods and whimpers softly. Link jumps down the hole, Zelda felt she was about to throw up, but they soon landed. Princess could not help but smile at her success, she had managed to avoid screaming, even though she was terrified. Zelda was about to boast on it when she notices a metallic taste in her mouth, in fear the Princess immediately removes the blindfold noticing Link's right shoulder. It had 4 bite marks and 2 of them where actively oozing drops of blood.

"SHIT, I DID NOT MEANT TO I SWEAR" Zelda tells him in shame.

"I know, don't worry about it, you got your rabies shot this year, right?" Link jokes half smiling.

"FUCK YOU, I am not an animal" Zelda screams frustrated.

"We all are animals... I would actually like you if you were one... it's a work in progress" Link says winking at her.

In progress? What does he mean by that?

Link grabs Zelda's hand and directs her towards the exit. Once outside, she looks back at where they came from and concludes they came out of a cave. The first thing the Princess noticed once outside, is that air somehow smelled odd. She could not really place it but there was something different about it, also the sky was not as blue as Hyrule's. Someone came rushing to covered Zelda with a towel. Then they were both ushered to board a van.

Zelda could barely maintain her footing; everything was new and different. There where sounds she could not recognize, lots of shiny surfaces blinding her, every person smelling a lot of cologne and yelling something, it was too much stimuli all of a sudden. The world around her starts spiraling out of control.

*She is on panic; you need to ground her*

Link grabs her by the shoulders forcing her to stare at him, and stare at him she did. She takes note of his eyes, a gray color that wanted to become blue but never quite got there. She feels his thumbs rubbing her shoulders. Link inhales deeply and exhales, he repeats the action pointing at the Princess, implying she should do the same. Zelda closes her eyes and takes a deep breath; she begins to smile once she notices Link's particular scent... an odor she knows displacing all the other unknown smells. After exhaling she opens her eyes and finds Link staring back at her, he begins to smile.

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