46-The children are fine

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They arrived to the destination, Carla did an excellent job choosing that hotel, it's new and still not well known since its almost located in the middle of the prairie. That alone was really good news for them, they could ride the dirt bikes there, no need to leave them behind and pay a taxi.


Lee turned his bike off and started to remove his helmet

"Are you completely sure you can do that?" Lee asks the Princess

Rolling her eyes "I am the fucking princess, of course I can" Zelda gloats on that fact, she knows she will meet antagonizing forces, but she is sure she can get Lee a pass to enter Hyrule whenever he wants.

"Fair, I will take you on that one, Hyrule's Castle has internet connection, right?" Lee asks

"Yes, it does, it's the only place with that privilege in Hyrule, I really couldn't care less about it before, but now that I see how it can be used, it's a privilege... can I have your cellphone number?" Zelda asks

Chuckling a little "that is where I was heading at Princess, we need to stay in contact, I don't want to importunate with my visits."

Lee and Zelda pulled their cellphone's out and quickly exchanged contacts, then they rushed inside to catch on Link and the kids. Once they got to him, he had the keys to their room in hand already.

"I have never been on a hoctel before, it's pretty" Ben says eyes full of excitement

Link turns to him grinning "H.O.T.E.L., have any of you played videogames before?" he asks

Millie shakes her head furiously; Ben's eyes grow wide. "I don't have, but I have seen my uncle play"

"Never and no, PERFECT. I just rented an X-box console at the front desk and some games, how about we play a little with that?" Ben starts yelling and jumping in excitement "BUT FIST, you need to bathe in very warm water, I don't care who bathes first, once you are BOTH bathed, we can play for a while" Link states as he opens the door to the room, Ben frowns at the idea of bathing.

What are videogames? But more importantly, Ben doesn't want to take a bath, I guess I understand, he almost drowned in freezing water. He may want to stay away from water for the rest of his life... I think I could bathe him myself.

Zelda clears her throat to draw attention to herself, and uses a finger signal the Prince to come closer. Link approaches allowing the Princess to whisper.

"I think Ben is scared of water, maybe I could bathe him"

"NO, I need you to help me do some quick diligences, Lee can take care of Ben and Millie for that matter"

"Lee? I don't think he can treat them tenderly" Zelda says feeling uneasy about it.

"They don't need endearment anymore; at the beginning they needed it and you took care of that by making them feel serene and encouraged. Now they need structure, they are NOT victims, they are survivors, I am sure Lee can guide them on that path" Link states with such finality that Zelda didn't even question it.

Link gets closer to Lee and whispers to him

"I am going to buy dinner, and other amenities with Zelda, Ben is afraid to take a bath, take it with him if needs to, and keep a close eye on Millie, she seems unstable. I won't take long "

"But... I am not all that good with kids" Lee states a little overwhelmed by what was required of him.

"PERFECT, pizza is good right?" Link says and grins when he hears Ben's exited yells.

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