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Link walks around his room in circles, obviously restless and frustrated, he contemplated the idea of breaking his desk or even burning it, but he chooses to be civilized and now finds himself behaving like a lion in a zoo cage.

I used to be a hero, Farore's chosen puppet, I fought impossible monsters under dire circumstances... but right now I am afraid... of MYSELF of all things. I may kill someone, or destroy something if my situation doesn't change.

It's been a week of sedentary hell now, I have explored the whole castle, I even meet Seneca, he showed me how the storage connects with the garden through a trap door. It makes sense, the loaded carriages enter the garden, then the service men quickly move the load inside through the storage. It's been interesting but right now, I have NOTHING to do. Young adults and teenagers always do bad things and make poor choices out of boredom. I am no normal teenager... me bored is a VERY dangerous scenario.


He picks up his cell phone from the bed and looks at the screen, once he identifies the caller, he presses the screen icon to answer and waits.

"I can't get you out of there" said the General

"Good day to you too, don't worry chief, I have been holding just fine" of course not, but he doesn't need to know that.

"You... are fine? Not anxious? It must be that you don't know. Hehehe, you weren't able to open the King's envelope I presume... I would love to celebrate this with the secretaries, but" the General sighs "You certainly choose the wrong time to fail at something."

"What do you mean General, what do I need to know?" Link asks

"The Gerudos pose a threat, not all of the Gerudo race, but there is a group of them who idolize Ganondorf, and he is been absent for 2 years, all they know is that he was heading to Hyrule, and he never came back, they assume he is being held captive in Hyrule, so they have to retrieve him." he sighs

Shit, that HAS to be my fault... He was sealed by the sages, and without the triforce piece of power, he is not scaping that prison ever.

"I don't know when this is going to happen but the castle is not the safest place to be in. We are not sure how, but they obtained fire weapons, rudimentary weapons but I assure you... the castle is going to fall" the General states.

William is playing me, he must be... the King looks so at peace, he wouldn't be if he was aware of this. My King would do something to protect the castle and his people wouldn't he?

"Did SWORD inform my King about this?" Link asks the General.

"Yes, well... we gave the notification about the upcoming Gerudo attack on the envelope you delivered, but we did not inform about the guns, since we can't prove the Gerudo have them, and it would be hard to explain firearms in a letter."

"Why would you want to pull me out of here then? Seems like I am where I am needed" Link says.

The General sighs "Because that is NOT how we do things, you know this already, we are not SHIELD. I wanted you to walk out of this conflict, gain more perspective on the matter, make a defense strategy with escape routes, and THEN we get you back in the fry. But that is impossible now..."

Link whistles "I know, SWORD is unable to extract me from Hyrule, Daphnes requested help clearing an issue and SWORD agreed to investigate. I personally delivered the result of that investigation, but since the issue is not resolved yet, it can be considered treason from our end if I leave. That means they can and will kill me... well, maybe just imprison me since I am a royal now. I understand William, and I am not scared, I will make this work."

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