The Bad Ones//Chapter 16

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'The Cell.'

A place where children were held if they misbehaved. Where the director didn't approve of the results the child produced that day.

It was where the 'weakest' dwelled in they're little minds as they spoke to themselves that they'll do better.

Do better so that they won't end up in The Cell again.

Nobody likes The Cell.

It was filled with dirt and grime. Unsanitary to the touch. Mold and other bacteria thrived in such place.

A child was stationed in The Cell for bad conduct and ended up with a bad fever in just a few days.

He ended up dying.

His name was Danial... He was a nice kid.

Always talked about the different boats and ships that would pull up at his island's harbor.

But he won't be telling the others his favorite models anymore.

Director told the others that Danial was taken to a nicer place.. Someplace where he could ride the Expansion model GX Kalisis.

But that wasn't Danial's favorite model...

Faelyn knew.

Because she remembers that it was clearly the GIGA Pegasus Y3. With the pretty red flying horse design on the side of the mast. Danial would always gush at how hardcore it was.

When the Director stated the wrong model... That's when doubt began to seed itself in the little girl's mind.

Because Director never lies. He said it himself.

But didn't he clearly lie just then?

Faelyn shifted in the corner of the small room. The patches of mold grew branched out in the cell.

The Cell.

That's where she was.

She was taken to The Cell because of the lack of results she gave during testing.


It was a common word tossed around the facility. Always used when the children knew it was time to do the best they could.

But sometimes, doing the best they could has it's limits.

And Faelyn had finally found her limit.

She was being tested to see if she could resist certain types of elements.

She could only feel the slight sensation of each one.

The one that made her body twitch and spazz around. It was painful.

The one that made her fingertips go numb after awhile. It was painful.

The one that melted her feathers to piles of ash around her. It was painful.

Faelyn wasn't supposed to showcase any type of pain or emotion during this specific test.

But she did.

And it was the last one.


Something about it sent her nerves on haywire. It casted a wave of fear to course throughout her entire body.

She had never felt such tightness in her chest at the mere sight of something before. It was as if this thing had done something to her.

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