Now Wait A Damn Minute.//Chapter 46

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The crazy things people do for friends.

Raid an entire base of marines.

Reject your friend's depression.

And maybe just crash the front of a train into the side of a building.

Stone and marble had been flown around the room and crushing some agents in the process. But who were we the pirates to care. We were only looking after our own.

"All right! We've made it!!!" Luffy busted out of the carnage first.

Franky looked across the room with a blank face. "Strawhat."

"Thanks for the help, Monster Baa-san!"Luffy looked over at the bleeding nose--mother and daughter duo, "Hey, guys! Get up already!! That was nothing!!"

"We-we're not made of rubber like you... There's n-no way... For h-humans... Made of flesh and blood... To make a plunge like that... and stay... UNINHURED!!" Everyone in the crew threw themselves up in hyped up battle adrenaline. Also while throwing off the massive stone walls that covered them.

Luffy looked at the deranged group with cross arms and a blank look, "They're all fine."

Franky watched with a deadpan, "You guys are all weird. Just so you know."

Luffy perked up and started speed walking in one direction, "There's a staircase over there!! Let's hurry and get to Robin!!"


Everyone searched for where the weird high pitched voice came from. It took awhile because the man was in the corner—high up the wall like a spider.

Wyper was the first to find him, "What the hell...?"

Luffy furrowed his brows, "What's that!?"

"It's got zippers for lips..." Faythe cringed.

"Chapapapapa...!! They've broken in!! You won't find Nico Robin... Even if you go to the room you saw earlier. Lucci took her to the gates of Justice." The man was egg shaped. His head looked merged with his body—no neck spotted. And his limbs were sticking out because of how small they were. On top of his head sat greasy looking green hair.


"Ah... And Chief, too." He spilled, "He's heading there now, but I won't tell you how to get there... And us CP9 won't allow you to follow because we received an order to obliterate you!! Chapapa! There's no way for you to free Nico Robin, unless you defeat us."

Faythe nodded and turned to Wyper, "Alright, Wyper, shoot that mother fucker down."

"On it." He aimed his massive gun at the large fellow.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT—!! Chapapapa!!" The zipper lipped man held up a small key, "Look at this."

"A KEY!?"


Faythe place her hand on the gun and lowered it with squinted eyes never leaving the key, "Is that what I think it is...?"

"It's a key to the seastone handcuffs that Nico Robin is restrained with!" He smiled.

Chopper perked up and glanced over at Faythe, "The same material as Faythe's cuffs?"

Nami frowned, "This can't be good."

Chopper gasped, "So that's why Robin's been so obedient, even though she's strong!?" He frowned in worry, "I bet she's mortified."

"Which is why we gotta hurry." Faythe clenched her fists up so that her cuffs were eye level.

"If you don't mind that, then go rescue her now. Chapapapa—!!" He immediately dodged a quick jab of Luffy's rubber punch.

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