Chapter 59// Girl's Night

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"Ladies! Ladies! There's enough of me to go around~! I see you out there!"

Faythe spun around with a fur shawl wrapped around lazily on her arms. A cropped jacket and heels to make her seem elavated than the rest but does nothing next to both Nami and Robin, "Men, Women, Non-binary peeps out there, all fall to my feet to get a load of this~!!" She points with a sweep of her hand—pointing out herself like it was obvious enough.

"Fae, you're such a stud—!" Nami called out playfully.

"A cutie, people might dare say." Robin chuckled freely in the confines of the girl's hotel room.

Faythe finally broke character and started giggling in high pitched laughter, "Okay next outfit!" She threw the furred shawl to the side and grabbed another bag.

Out of the bag came a comfy outfit and a shirt that said, 'I got a bone to pick with you-!!'.

"Is that one of the outfits you found at that one shop... Lion... Leeoo?" Nami raised a brow trying to remember.

"Leona's Divine?" Faythe blinked as she smiled at yesterday's fun shopping spree with Wyper and Sanji, "It's a great place for the funniest shirt and clothing word designs."

"That's the one." Nami snapped her fingers at the nice reminder.

Robin smiled, "Such a nice shirt to describe your colorful personality."

"Colorful personality or colorful vocabulary?" Nami smirked, "Don't think I didn't forget about the Enies Lobby name calling."

Faythe nervously looked to the side, "Whaaaat... That's crazy talkkkk..." She chuckled as she tried on the outfit with a quick twirl.

"I did hear the slightest bit of a sailor's tongue from Luffy while I was up there on the Tower of Justice..." Robin tilted her head innocently before beaming a bright smile in Faythe's direction, "But who knew it was because of our colorful person, Fae."

Faythe quickly changed the subject back to yet another bag that Sanji had picked out for her. Out, she pulled a nice sundress that puffs out a smidge at the hips. The shade a pure white with a red ribbon tied at the middle, "After Sanji suggested this outfit, Wyper had said that he remembered me saying that I liked the color white and bought it for me. But then Sanji started arguing that he should've payed because he brought it up in the first place. And then it just carried on from there..."

Nami awed at the sundress, "It's super red cute, Fae! It makes your hair stand out more."

Robin nodded, "The red ribbon was a nice touch, reminds me of another thing, but it seems like it's missing something..."

Faythe blinked in confusion as Nami's face lit up as realization bloomed on her features. She hurried out the room with an 'Ah Hah!' look. The red head and raven haired ladies looked at each other with clueless looks on what their finger friend was up too.

"She's always running off..."

"From an enemy or to scold the boys."

The door slammed open with both girl's jumping in surprise, only to meet a grinning ginger holding up a familiar hat.


"Isn't that...?"

"It's Luffy's hat!" Nami showed a cheshire grin. Her cat-like attitude was showing as she twirled the inner rim of the hat on her finger, "The red ribbon reminded me of it!" She then grabbed Faythe by the shoulders and pushed her back into the bathroom with the sundress, "Now hurry up and try it on!"

Faythe stumbled into the bathroom, "But wouldn't he be mad about us messing with his hat???"

Robin and Nami blinked at Faythe's sudden concern. But as they glanced at the other they realized they had the same thought process—not like Faythe was included though.

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