Chapter 7: Yongkong And Byulkong

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Choi Cheol-san was awakened by a loud scratching noise surrounding him and excruciating pain in his face, especially his left eye and body. It seems like he was beaten up badly while he was unconscious. The last thing he remembered before he was knocked unconscious was the two ladies working for Ahn Hyejin taking down his men and the one with purple hair shooting him in the shoulder and knocking him down. He opened his eyes now and tried to move, but he realized he was stuck. He looked around and he couldn't see anything but the earth. It seemed like they were somewhere out in a field. He looked up and he saw the one with pink hair holding a shovel and looking down on him with a full grin.

Cheol-san was furious. He knew he was in an extremely dangerous situation and none of his men were around.

Kim Yongsun, however, found the situation quite fun. She stood in an open field with the sun high up in the sky. She had been grinning all the way until now, ever since Moonstar knocked this guy out with her gun handle. Sure, it did take over two hours taking him to this countryside area and another two hours to tie him up and beat him up while unconscious (with the help of anesthesia) and bury him from his neck down in the dirt, but it was all worth it. She looked down on the old man to her right and she couldn't be any happier watching him struggle.

"Oh? You're awake. Good morning, you bastard" Yong smiles as she squats down, planting the shovel on the ground.

"You bitch, you'll fucking pay for this", he tells Yong as he gritted his teeth.

"Are you sure about that?", Yong asks in a playful tone, watching the man who was looking like he was ready to kill her.

"You see, I don't think you understand the situation perfectly. My boss is the new head of Ahn family, as you may know. And it seems like you did something back there that insulted her. She said you were a rotten vegetable so you should be one. Personally, we could've turned you into a radish, but the boss wouldn't like that. She loves radishes. What a bummer, huh? ", Yong sighed before continuing, "It would've been nice to watch you become pale white and bleed out slowly, but oh well. Look at what we did turn you into, though", Yong laughed as she whipped out her phone and put it before Choi Cheol-san.

Upon seeing his face all beat up, covered in bruises and his left eye black, Choi Cheol-san couldn't be more furious. Veins in his forehead and temples showed and he yells out, "YOU FUCKING BITCH! ONCE I GET OUT OF HERE, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU AND YOUR FUCKING FAMILY BURNS TO THE FUCKING GROUND!"

"Aww, really? Such a violent eggplant" Yong replies to the threat with a playful and sarcastic tone before she chuckled.

"Hold on, one sec", she pats Choi Cheol-san's head as she starts calling someone with her phone.

Moonstar picks up on the other line, pressing the  'accept call' on her phone which she placed down on the ground. "Yeah, Yong?"

"Byulieee!" Yong excitedly exclaims as soon as she hears Moon's voice. She then asks, "Byul, can you see me?"

Moon adjusted her scope by a bit and positioned the rifle carefully until she could clearly see Yong squatting down next to Choi Cheol-san who was buried neck-down. "Yeah, Yong, I see you", she replies.

"Nice", Yong started giggling on the other line. She put the call in loud speaker then asks Moon, "Byul, can you tell me again, why we chose to turn this guy into an eggplant?"

"Because he looks like one and it was fun turning him purple", Moon answered with a smirk, seeing Yong laughing from her scope and hearing her through the phone.

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