Chapter 18: Push And Pull

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It was already evening when the first physical training ended. The sun was already setting so low in the horizon and the moon was rising. Fatigue was visible among the face of the youngsters as they returned to the quarters to clean up and rest, but nothing was moving Moon. She was as firm as ever, almost as if she was enjoying watching these kids struggle.

But Yong knew that it was simply those years of growing up with constant discipline being reflected by Moon's style of training. The current training was not even half of what Moon had to go through personally when they were younger.

Yong had seen it all. Before her rise to become Hyejin's right hand, Moon had fallen. Moon's father was a ruthless teacher. There were nights when Moon was not allowed to go to sleep until she had memorized all of the Ahn family's territories and their boundaries, along with the maps of the other families' territories. Sometimes Moon had to do physical training even if it was late at night, with no breaks or food. This all began a day after Moon had turned 10 years old, which was also around the time her father became promoted as an associate. Moon's first day of training was a snowy dawn on December. Moon has never been able to play with Yong, Hyejin and Eric, celebrate her birthday or Christmas ever since.

Back then, Yong could only watch. She wasn't trained as early as Moon, but watching all that made her feel pity towards Moon, and it opened her eyes to reality. Being a mafioso was anything but easy. Looking back now, it's probably one of the reasons why Moon grew up so quickly, turning her to this seemingly hollow soul.

Yong blinked quickly as she saw Moon approaching. She wanted to find something to look at, but it was already late as Moon had locked eyes with her. Yong gulped.

"Yong. Do you want to go and get dinner?" Moon suddenly asked, which surprised Yong, but in a good way.

Yong was a little hesitant to answer. Gosh, she wanted to say yes so bad, but she still had to talk to Whee-in later. With her fingers crossed behind her back, she replied, "No. I don't think I can go. I still have something to do."

"I see. I'm going then. I'll be back later", Moon simply nodded, the first thing coming to her mind was that Yong and Whee-in were probably going somewhere, seeing Whee-in approach Yong now. The heck. There was always some stinging pain somewhere whenever Moon thought of Yong and Whee-in being together. She silently walked away, unable to say anything else.

Whee-in raised her eyebrows upon seeing Moon walk away with such sharp look. This made her ask Yong, "I thought you guys were fine?"

"I don't know. I'm not even sure Whee-in" the fact that it was so easy for Moon to switch from showing emotions and being completely void of emotions was slowly starting to frustrate Yong. Not to mention that she had observed at least three girls were looking at Moon way more than they should be since earlier.

Whee-in sighed. Earlier she had contacted an acquaintance with the order of tracking down all her remaining relatives for her. She was not going to get comfortable. And now this.

"Let's eat first" Whee-in motioned towards the quarters, as she had to eat there and make sure the youngsters were doing things right.

Yong followed after Whee-in.

Seeing the two from a distance as they enter the quarters, Moon inhaled sharply and looked up at the sky. She decided to just go for a drive and she walked to her car with heavy steps.

The time finally came for the youngsters to go to bed as the hour hand on Whee-in's watch struck ten. The youngsters had eaten their meals and they have been assigned to their beds.

Now this was the tricky part. Basically, since the family has become much like a co-ed school, there was a particularly high chance of certain things happening. Which is why Hyejin had specified earlier that they had to be distanced during the night, not essentially segregating them according to gender, but separating them for precaution. And the older members of the family, including Yong, Moon and Whee-in, had to monitor them within a given period of time. Yong and Moon were specifically ordered to watch them tonight, since it was the first night and the two were in charge of the training.

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