Chapter 13: Cold Night

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Evening came and the person whom Hyejin was talking about finally arrived. She had already informed both Yong and Moon that she wanted Whee-in to meet this person.

The four women sat in the living room of the mansion, with Hyejin and Whee-in sitting together in the same couch. For some reason, Hyejin felt quite comfortable sitting next to Whee-in like this.

Yong sat on the couch across Hyejin and Whee-in, while Moon sat on a single chair, besides Hyejin and Whee-in.

The man who just came into the house approached them.
"Hey there, Hyejin-ah" he greeted Hyejin who smiled at him.

"Hey, Eric. Sit down" Hyejin replied, and the man sits down beside Yong.

"Hello, Yong. It's been a long time, huh?" he turns to Yong, smiling.

"Hello, Eric. It's certainly been a long time" Yong replied.

"Moon. 'Sup? " Eric nods at Moon.

"Rice Man" Moon nods back at him.

"And who is this?" Eric now looked at Whee-in.

"Eric, this is Jung Whee-in, my new body guard. Whee-in, this is Eric Nam, a friend" Hyejin introduced the two. Eric smiled at Whee-in as he held out his hand. Whee-in was hesitant at first, but she shook his hand.

After that, there was awkward silence, so Eric spoke up and said, "Well, I think I have some catching up to do, why don't we talk, Yong?"

"Oh. Sure" Yong replied, secretly glancing at Moon for an instant hoping for a reaction. But Moon was still so expressionless, and Yong stood up.

"We're just going for a walk, Hyejin-ah. When I come back, I'm gonna talk to Whee-in" Eric excuses himself. Hyejin gave a nod of approval as Yong and Eric walk out of the mansion together.

Whee-in looked at Moon. She was more than quiet all this time. 'Something happened, huh?', Whee-in thought.

Moon excused herself as well, before she also went out. Hyejin just said yes and sighed. There was something wrong between the two, especially with Moon. The more they tried to hide it, the more it showed.

Hyejin stood up before telling Whee-in, "Jung Whee-in, in my room, now."

Whee-in says yes as she stood up and followed Hyejin to her room. Whee-in continued to follow Hyejin as she finally stopped on her room's balcony. Whee-in remembered everything once again, but she no longer felt awkward. She joined Hyejin in the balcony who was looking up at the stars. It was a starry night and the stars where very visible from where they were looking.

"I brought you here because I knew you felt that awkwardness between the two like I did. And I know you have something on your mind. Say it, Whee-in", Hyejin says as she kept looking up.

"I've seen the way that guy walked. I've seen his hands, his haircut, and his shoes. Eric Nam is more than just a friend, is he?" Whee-in asked.

"Yeah. Somehow I knew you'd realize. You're really something else, Whee-in" Hyejin looked at Whee-in and then looked up again before continuing, "Eric is a cop who works for the family. He gives the family inside information and warns us whenever he knows about something which poses a threat to us. Just like you, he also lost his father. His father was a cop too, but was killed by a member of a rival family. His mother went crazy, and he negotiated with my father. He was willing to do anything to get even. My father decided to avenge him, in exchange for Eric working for the family. Father brought down that family, but he kept the person who killed Eric's father alive and brought him here. That was the first guy Eric shot. After the whole thing, my father took Eric in and sent him to school, letting him become a cop, on the condition that he become our insider. And that's how it's been since then. "

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