Chapter 27: Troubled Mind

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Moon drew out everything from her system to ensure that she won't lose self control and forget her place to go talk to Yong. It had been a week. A whole week without words. Everytime she tried to engage in a conversation with Moon, Yong always finds a way to get away so casually. Moon's thoughts were deafened temporarily when the youngsters all pulled the triggers of the guns in their hand.


Moon realized where she was and tried to pay attention to the target practice. A soldier came towards the targets to check where the bullets hit. Moon turned to Yong and for a second, she saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes.

Yong was no less than distracted as well, but she promised herself not to give in so quickly. She looked at Moon for a second and then quickly looked away. There was no turning back now. Just a little bit longer, she said to herself as she tried to focus.

We're here" Whee-in said, bringing Hyejin back to reality after she was lost in her own world.

Oh. Right." Hyejin remembered that they were now in the company.

Whee-in got off and walked around to open the door for Hyejin.

The two enter the building. This time, there were not much of the rude staring and gossiping. A few of the employees actually made an effort to greet Hyejin and say Good morning", to which Hyejin casually nodded at.

Whee-in was impressed. Hyejin did a great job at turning this place around. However, she kept her mouth closed and her movements calm. She cleared up the unnecessary thoughts. She was not here to be impressed or to act like a fan of her boss. She was here to protect her.

They take the elevator all the way to Hyejin's office, and unlike last time, there was no longer tension between them. There was only silence. Awkward, deafening silence engulfing the moment, drowning out any thoughts and attempts for words to fill the air.

Hyejin checked her phone. 15 unread messages. She scoffed as she put her phone down. She felt Whee-in trying to distance herself from her. And it frustrated her to no end. It seems like Whee-in is definitely trying to stick to her beliefs— something Hyejin wish she'd ignore for a second and let herself show emotions.

Hyejin could only let out a heavy sigh as the elevator reached the floor where her office was.

The day went on as usual, with Hyejin going through reports and signing papers. Except for the mundane feeling. That inescapable void, draining Hyejin of her voice. Whee-in stood still, not too far from her, but it was her stern, unreadable expression enough to make Hyejin feel isolated. Whee-in was so close. So close yet so, so, far.

The long silence went on until Whee-in's phone rang.


“Is this Jung Whee-in?" the voice from the other line was oddly familiar yet Whee-in didn’t recognize it.

Yes. Who's calling?" Whee-in tried checking the caller ID. The number was familiar. Wait, this is...

I'm Han Jong Kyu. Head of the Han family. We've met before, remember?" the voice of the man became clearer.

Of course. How could Whee-in forget? She spent an entire month on the Han estate as the youngest official member of the Ahn family when she was 13. Well, she did forget, but come on, it was 11 years ago. The purpose of the stay was to provide inside information about the Hans, since Mr. Ahn wanted to make sure he was investing in a good company.

Nobody suspected anything during that whole fiasco. They all thought Whee-in was simply Mr. Ahn's lovely daughter whom he left in the care of Mr. Han as part of the deal. In that short period of time, Whee-in discovered that the old Mr. Han was actually a nice guy, if you don't try and get on his nerves, that is.

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