Chapter 15: Think Things Through

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Whee-in stayed quiet as Yong cried on her shoulders. The two were sitting on a bed, with Yong's sobs filling the room.

Whee-in grabbed the handkerchief from her suit's chest pocket and handed it to Yong.

Yong used the handkerchief and wiped her tears.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like this, Whee-in" Yong apologized, still sobbing.

"It's alright, Yong. It seems like your cold war with Moon has finally taken it's toll"

"You know about it?", Yong looked at Whee-in, surprised as she stopped crying.

"Well, yes. Ironically, how good you are at tailing people secretly is how bad you are at hiding your emotions. Moon is good at suppressing her emotions from what I see, but her body language can't lie"

"Were we really that obvious?", Yong asked

"Yes. I'm not the most sensitive person, but I know what someone is feeling with enough clues"

"What do I do, Whee-in? I don't even know what's wrong with me. It wasn't like this before. It sounds so weird and I can't explain why, but it hurts here", Yong pointed to her chest.

Whee-in sighed. She was no expert in this area, but she had to find a way for Yong and Moon to make peace. The rift between the two means a lot, especially with Hyejin's plan.

"I'll be asking you a set of questions, Yong. Please answer them honestly", Whee-in said.


"In the past, how did you see Moon?"

"She was like a sister to me, since we grew up together. I wanted to protect her and serve the family with her, but there have been countless times that she protected me instead"

"How do you see Moon now?"

"I don't know. I can't even look at her directly. I feel like I might break if I meet her eyes."

"I see. And what do you want to happen now?"

"I want things to go back to the way they were before. I don't want us to be awkward anymore. I want her to be happy. I want to be happy.", Yong replied, the words 'with her' stuck in the back of her mind. She wanted to say it, but she couldn't.

"What does Moon's smile mean to you, Yong?"

"It means a lot", Yong answered without hesitation.

"Okay. I'm done asking. You like Moon, more than as a friend or a sister", Whee-in said, her voice full of conviction. Simply because she knew it wasn't a suggestion or an idea. It was a certainty.

"Wha- huh? N-no I don't. Why would you say that?" Yong is taken aback especially with what Whee-in said and how she sounded so sure and denies it.

Whee-in sighed. Yong clearly wasn't aware of how she's been feeling all this time. Or maybe she was holding back? Whee-in was certain Yong was feeling something towards Moon all this time. Again, she was not an expert in this type of thing, but she's noticed the way Yong often looks at Moon. It was the look of a lovesick person, like Yong was ready to betray and give up everything she knew growing up, even the family— just for Moon.

"Why not? Moon is as reliable as cold as she looks" Whee-in responded, trying to draw out a confession from Yong.

"But I can't like Moon... Hyejin likes her"

Hearing what Yong said, Whee-in was not surprised. In fact, things made good sense to Whee-in. It explains why she called her name in her sleep once.

"And Moon loves someone else... She loves Kang Seulgi", Yong looked down.

Whee-in massaged her temples. What Yong said was an obvious lie. She hasn't known Moon for long, but she did know that she was a very dense person. Moon didn't even care to look at Hyejin whom she grew up with. How would she fall in love with someone she barely knows? Besides, Whee-in has seen Moon become distracted by Yong on several occasions.

However, it was still stressful for Whee-in. Moon definitely must have done something to give Yong the impression, otherwise Yong wouldn't be saying this.

Whee-in felt it was necessary to help patch things up, especially because it concerns the family, so she said, "Yong, I think it'd be helpful if you think through things well and come to a conclusion. Settle your emotions first before you talk to Moon. Or you could try to talk to her then reflect about what you feel towards her and what's bothering you" Coming from an unemotional person, it was a reasonable advice.

Yong nodded her head. Whee-in was right. She took deep breaths and closed her eyes.

Later that evening, Moon came back to the quarters again. She saw Yong sitting in one of the beds. She turned to leave, thinking Yong didn't want her there when Yong called, "Byul"

Moon felt a tug when she heard Yong call her by her name again and not her family name. She turned around, asking "What is it it, Yong?"

"Can you stay? I need to talk to you"

"Oh. Of course" Moon approached Yong and sat on a bed across her.

"Byul... I know I already said this to you earlier. But I'll say it again... I don't think we have a problem. We're okay, right?"

"Yes. I guess. It was stupid of me to assume. I apologize. "

"It's not your fault, Byul. If anything, it was me. You probably think I changed. Maybe there are a few things about me that have. But to make things clear, there is one thing that will never change. I've said it before once in the past, and I'll say it again. If I was in trouble and even if you hated me, the only person I'd ask to save me is you. It will always be you. Again, I'm sorry"

"Yong... Why are you apologizing so much? It's fine now."

But was it really? Yong thought at the back of her mind.

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