Night School

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Chapter 8

I was waiting outside for with Allison, waiting for Scott to get there to pick her up.

He was 26 minutes late when Jackson called. He said him and Lydia were coming to pick us up.

Allison barely had a chance to protest before Jackson's silver porsche pulled up.

We walked over to his window. "Lydia gets what Lydia wants. Come on, get in." Jackson ordered us. "We can stop by his place and see if he's there."

Allison's phone went off.

"Aw, is that him with the best explanation ever of why he's half a freaking hour late?"

Allison shook her head no. "No exactly."


Allison made Jackson drive all of us to the school. That's where Scott wanted to meet. I found it a little weird, but didn't say anything.

"They lock the doors at night, you know." Lydia said still in the passenger seat.

"That one's open." There saw a door open with bult cutters sitting up on it.

"You don't need me to state the obvious, right?" Jackson asked.

"That it looks like they broke into the school? No, pretty obvious."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Jackson asked as I planted my feet so I was standing right next to Alli and Jackson.

"Mmm, it's okay." She grabbed my arm. "Ill have her to protect me." We started to walk into the school.

"Hey, guys..." Jackson said which stop us in our tracks.

"You have this look like your where about to say "Be Careful."" Allison said.

"I am." He handed me a flash light.

I took it and smiled at him.


"That concerned look on you, Ive never seen it before." I said.

"Well, I am concerned."

We nodded our heads.

"It looks nice on you." I said.

Allison took the flashlight out of my hand and turned it on. She shined it on her face like she was telling a scary story. "Don't worry, we'll be right back."


We ran up the stairs and into the school.


Me and Alli walked through the halls. I never been in school when it was this quiet and dark. It was creepy.

"Scott?" Allison called.

When there was no answer we turned and decided to go the other way.

"Scott?" We both called this time.

We kept calling out for Scott but there was no answer.

We were cheaking at that pool. "Maybe we should spilt up." Allison suggested.

"Hell no." I said in a whisper."Have you ever seen a horor movie, where anything good comes out of spilting up?"

Allison knew i was right, because she just kept walking in silences. Thats what she does when she knows she was wrong.

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