°-《CHAPTER 11》-°

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The rest of the match was basically the Slytherins earning points left and right with the occasional score from the Hufflepuffs.

Slytherin had won by 62 points sadly, much to Karl's expected disappointment. Throughout the match he was commentating the teams' play, calling the Slytherins some mildly offensive names every now and then. Especially Dream.

After the match Karl just groaned and picked up his stuff and looked up at me, pouting, expecting me to do something about their miserable loss. I picked up my bags, slung them on my back. "There there Karl, I'm so sincerely sorry for your horrible team losing." I said with a mischievous smile, asking for a challenge. "That doesn't even make sense. Your so mean." He said, dragging out his words.

We left our seats and walked down the five sets of stairs, creaking and whispering unknown secrets to one another, spreading like wildfire.

We entered the outside hallway, the quickest and prettiest way back to my dorm. We passed the stained glass and took a right to turn to a winding staircase that lead up to some more stairs and then some more stairs... and some more stairs... You get the idea. There's lots of stairs here.

We reached the dorm and flopped down onto the stairs next to the extinguished fire. Dark ash resting beneath charred wood.

I was the first one to speak, "You didn't answer my question earlier. Do you wanna talk about it?" Karl looked over at me, making eye contact. "Oh, uh, yeah sorry, I was just- overwhelmed I guess?" He lowered his eyes to the floor, looking at the intricate deigns on the carpet below. "Well, I'm not gonna force you or anything but please could you tell me? I will tell you how mine went..." I stared at him with pleading eyes just begging him to say yes or any form of agreement. "Wait, you didn't tell me you were gonna talk to anyone." Karl said, brows bunched together in confusion and thought. "Well, I spoke to Kyle... just let me speak for a moment ok? I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would get over excited and start worrying about my problems. I appreciate you doing that but sometimes you take to much on yourself and get burnt out. I'm sorry, are you mad..?" Karl replaced his frown with a soft smile. "Awww. Gogy cares for me." He said dragging our his words as he stood up with his arms out wide. I gave him a quick hug before telling him to sit down otherwise I wouldn't tell my story. That got him.

Karl sat down and laced his fingers together staring at me expectantly. I smiled holding back a laugh, "Why are you doing that?" He looked up so his nose was in the air and stared down at me. "Because, Mr Davidson, I am professional." I giggled at his response and started to tell my story.

After telling Karl what had happened, he stared at me with his mouth slightly parted in shock. "Oh my god George. Are you for real!? That's epic!"

I laughed it off before checking the time on a clock that rested above the fireplace. It was still early with the time only being 7:15. "Hey Karl, wanna go grab some food?" Karl stood up hands on his hips. "Oh why yes I would Sir Gogington." He gracefully walked in a certain way to make his cloak to fly around him like ocean waves. He pulled the door open, "Ladies first." Said Karl in his 'posh voice'. I stood up and gave Karl a look before exiting the warm cozy dorm, entering a colder atmosphere, instantly chilling any exposed skin.

Instead of going to the cafe we always went to, we decided to check out a new one that had opened a couple days ago that we had only discovered this morning on the way to get a rushed breakfast before class.

When we entered the new cafe it was much more modern unlike the more home feel of the other. This one had marble tables with a spread of napkins under a white cube flower pot, each one with a different pastel coloured flower adding the smallest bit of colour to the black and white cafe.

We sat down at a table which Karl chose because it had a light purple flower in, one of his favourite colours.

A waitress came over to us. She had light hair, half of it being in space buns and the other draped over her shoulders. "Hey, im Drista and I'll be serving you today. Here's the menu. I'll be back in a minute to take your orders, that alright?" I nodded timidly and took the menu from her outstretched hands.

She wanderd off behind a matching marble counter and into a door reading 'EMPLOYEES ONLY.'

I placed the menu down infront of us so we could both see. I scanned the menu and settled on ordering a bagel and Karl decided on an iced doughnut.

Drista came back a minute later as she'd promised and wrote down our orders.

Karl and I talked about the Quidditch match and how I was apparently still salty because Hufflepuff beat us once.

Before I could come up with a comeback, Drista came back with plates balanced in her hands. She placed them down on the table and turned to leave before saying, "Oh sorry, did you gyes want any drinks? I forgot to ask." I looked up awkwardly and asked for a tea. Drista looked over to Karl who shook his head in response.

She walked off once again and arrived back with some still steamy tea in her hands. I could see her wince under the heat of the cup. "Here you go..." She said placing down the cup and wiping her hands on her apron as a way of trying to cool them.

I thanked her as she left us to enjoy our food. Karl immediately dug in as if he's been waiting for this moment for years. I laughed after sipping my still hot tea. "Karl why are you eating so fast? Slow down." I said in between laughs.

Once we had finished our food we paid Drista, each sharing the payment since both of us insisted on doing it, annoying Drista so much that she butted into our conversation and said, "Can't you just share it?" In which we agreed on to stop our silly squabbling.

We left the cafe, and started walking down the road. Past new shops that we hadn't seen until today as we hadn't really been in this part of the district before.

We talked about whether we liked this one or the cafe we usually go to, giving up once we couldn't pick a superior.

For the rest of the day, we hung out in the library, chatting with hushed laughs and giggles. Typing jokes and memes into our phones search bar.

The atmosphere always inviting and calming. My favorite spot always being infront of a big oval window, where we were now. I always go there to study ever since Year 7. It was nice to be tucked away in a nice little corner, doing your own thing. Like me and Karl now, enjoying eachothers presence. Sitting together, laughing, chatting.

It was like leaving Kyle opened up a whole new chapter in my life. One where I could learn to be happy by myself and not depend on someone who doesn't even care about me to do so.

Maybe it was for the better...


I love this chapter sm omggg
This chapter was pretty chill

Hope this slightly longer chapter makes up for the ones that were rlly short.
Next chapter will hopefully be rlly good.

Don't know if I'll be posting another chapter today since I need to pack for a camping trip.

And since I'm going on a camping trip, there will be little to no uploads for a week so srry abt that!!

I would like to thank you sm if you've been reading. I know new chapters take awhile to come out but if u see this ilysm.
See you next time <33


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