°-《CHAPTER 54》-°

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~◇~◇~SAPNAP'S POV~◇~◇~

We arrived at the castle grounds soon after, landing halfway through second period.

As soon as we landed, I jumped off the broom with Dream's limp body in my arms, leaning into my chest as I hurried to carry him inside, leaving the others behind.

I slowly jogged as fast as I could holding Dream's weight over to the Hospital Wing.

Why does the castle have to be so big?

I carried on speed-walking over there like some helpless idiot.

I felt tears prick in my eyes as my legs grew tired of carrying Dream.

I need to keep going. I have to! For Dream.

As I inhaled more oxygen, I held my breath, my face turning red from pain.

As I let go of my breath, I started to pant as more tears started forming, a few slipping down my cheeks and onto my chin.

I looked down at Dream in my arms, trying to encourage myself to go on, which resulted in more chocking tears streaming down my face.

Soon, I crumbled to the ground, on the cold stone floors and just cried.

I scrunched my eyes closed and silently let the tears fall.

I'm weak. Useless.

I can't even carry Dream to the Hospital Wing by myself.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid. I'm so stupid. I'm so dumb-

"Sapnap? Are you ok? Why are you out here all alone?" Someone suddenly appeared to my left down in a corridor, she hurried towards me and gasped at the sight.

She came towards us as I scooted away, holding Dream protectively to my chest.

"No! No! Don't come closer! Don't hurt us!"

I cried out, my eyes still squeezed shut from fear.

"S-sapnap! Please don't be scared. Open your eyes. Do you want me to help you?" The feminine voice replied sympathetically.

I opened a blurry, tear stained eye to reveal Professor Nihachu crouching down beside me, her hand held out towards me.

"Calm down, ok? Where do you need to go?" She asked in a soft voice.

"H-hospital Wing..." I answered, wiping my stinging eyes and tears away.

I stumbled to stand up with Dream on my lap, as Professor Nihachu held her supportive hands under Dream to help me lift him back into my arms.

"T-thank you."

My voice was cracking, and I sounded horrible, but it was atleast something.

Professor Nihachu smiled sweetly at me before sparing a a worried glance towards me, "Is Dream ok? He doesn't seem to be in the best conditions right now..." She said, looking over at Dream anxiously.

"I'm sure you've heard but, Dream and George went missing the other day and uhm, we went looking for them this morning and we found them out in the woods and they were both frozen. Like ice. I-I'm sorry for missing your lesson by the way. I-I didn't know-" I stumbled over my words carelessly, my eyes brewing tears again, as I sniffed.

"Don't worry. You missing my lesson is the least of my worries. Right now we need to help Dream and George. Speaking of George, where is he?" She asked, her face looking sightly paler then usual after my story.

"The others are bringing him in... I just really wanted to make sure Dream was OK and safe..."

She looked at me reassuringly and smiled, "I'm sure everything's going to be fine Sapnap. Dream and George will be healed up in no time."

I smiled weakly at her before looking back down at Dream's almost lifeless resting face.

His lips were chapped and dry. His eyelashes were tattered and still had small specks of snow on them, so did his hair which was strewn across his forehead in a mess.

I bit my lip as I held back another painful cry of sadness and guilt.

I should've looked after him more. I should've talked to him more. I should've stayed with him more. I should've just been there for him when he needed it most.

I've been so caught up with Karl that I've forgotten to actually check up on my brother.

And now Karl's gone running of with Kyle.

I can't believe Karl left our nice large group for some horrible, back stabbing, lowlife who's probably just going to toy him around like he did to George!

We arrived at the Hospital Wing after a few minutes, standing in front of the large curved wooden door in the wall, two large iron handles curling around next to the slightly creaked open doors.

"Stay here. I just need to go and talk to the nurses. I'll only be a minute."

I nodded as Professor Nihachu slipped through the small crack in the door before leaving me in a disturbing silence.


I jumped at the loud voice and stumbled back against the wall, holding Dream's head close to me as a reflex.

"Jeez calm down man. We've got George!"

Skeppy yelled out to me, "Since when were you on the mission with us?" I asked raising a suspicious eyebrow.

"Bad asked me to cover him in his Potions lesson since he said he won't be there and he didn't want to ruin his 'full attendance streak.'" Skeppy said, wiggling his fingers as quotation marks.

I cracked a smile and looked back down at Dream, sniffing my nose again.

"You don't look to good man. What's up?" Skeppy asked genuinely.


"What of?"


"Dream's going to be fine-"

"You don't know that! What if he's seriously injured!? He has blood on his shirt Skeppy! Did you notice!? Oh no! You didn't! Cuz you where too busy talking about your stupid irrelevant story about you and Bad!"

Skeppy looked suddenly taken back by my words and slowly stepped away from me, fiddling with his cloak sleeves nervously.


I frowned, looking back down at Dream.

"I didn't mean to lash out at you like that. I-I'm just stressed and all-"

"It's fine Sap, I get it. We all burst out sometimes. No big deal." He finished.

I looked back up at him with a guilty face, watching him frown as he played with the fraying strings in his cloak, before looking back at Dream and playing with his slightly damp hair.

It was obvious Skeppy was upset. And I get that. It was my fault and I'm the one to blame. I'll properly apologise later. End of.


How are you all doing?
I hope you had fun celebrating!

I'm back to uploading normally now, unless any other events or changes come up.

Thank you guys SO much for all of the support! I love each and everyone of you and I appreciate every little comment and vote on my chapters <33

I've missed you all so much,
Wish you all a very happy 2024,
See you all next time,


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