°-《CHAPTER 58》-°

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~◇~◇~GEORGE'S POV~◇~◇~

2 weeks.

He's been asleep for 2 WEEKS.

I feel like I'm losing my mind.

How is he not awake yet?

How is he not gone?

Why has he been asleep this long?

My mind was a turning into a dark never ending whirlpool that I'd never see the end of.

My friends have been worrying about me and checking up on me at any living moment and everyone- including the teachers- have been looking at me weirdly.

In lessons I'm completely zoned out and stuck in my thoughts and I'm like an actual robot.

The bell rings. I go to class. Think. Bell rings. Leave class. Go to next class etc...

When I walk down the corridors I'm just staring at the floor in silence as I can literally hear people whispering about me and I can feel them staring me down.

I feel like I've gone from the top straight down to rock bottom.

At lunch I do try to atleast say a few words to try and socialise, but I just end up going too deep into my thoughts again.

On the first week, it was bad. Really bad.

I wouldn't even go to the Great Hall to eat lunch.

In fact, I wouldn't even eat lunch.

I just stayed in my room and cried.

I've never been this distraught about someone before.

My friends noticed my mental health deteriorate badly and tried to help me.

And I'm so glad they did.

They all came to my dorm one lunch and cheered me up.

They all talked to me about ways of coping, how to lift my spirits and all of that.

Tommy even went out and brought some board games for us to play which helped brighten the mood a little bit.

They all left to give me some alone time and I think they all helped alot.

I'm so grateful for my friends.

And they still want to care for me after I was being a complete jerk to them a few weeks ago.

Especially Karl.

I've talked to him about the whole Kyle thing...

He hasn't said much. And he keeps promising to tell me soon... but whenever I bring it up or hint at it, I can always tell how uncomfortable he gets.

Just seeing Karl react when Kyle enters the room is completely noticeable.

And he keeps getting distracted super easily as well.

We've both had to take eachother out of the others thoughts multiple times.

I still can't stop thinking about Dream and the accident that happened awhile ago.

Everytime it even crosses my mind for a split second I get that familiar sick taste in my mouth and my anxiety goes through the roof.

My stomach becomes uneasy and I've had to take breaks from lessons frequently.

Speaking of lessons, Professor Soot has been kinder recently. As in he wouldn't pick on me to demonstrate when he knows I can't do something ot don't understand. He just leaves me alone.

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