°-《CHAPTER 27》-°

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My heart started hammering against my chest again. Like a mad man beating on drums.

I didn't even get a chance to ask what Dream was so worried about before I got dragged away by his forceful grip.

Whilst tripping over my own feet, I frantically looked at my surroundings. I could see anything that could be a threat. That was, until I looked up.

The man, who I assumed to be Dream's dad, was standing in gloomy window staring down on us with an emotionless look on his face.

I felt raindrops stain my face as Dream dragged me around yet another corner as I struggled and tripped to keep up with him.

"Alright, here's what we're gonna do. We're going to run to the nearest bus stop and from there, I'm pretty sure we can get off twenty minutes away from school but by then I can call one of my friends I know to take us there. Sounds like a plan?"

We were currently around the side of his house next to some bins and boxes full of leaves and various other soon-to-be trash items.

The raindrops were falling harder now, each one slightly stinging my skin, like small needles sewing through skin and bones.

I was too focused on the fact that Dream was knocked out by his father, locked in a shed, his father staring like some manic killer out of a window and that we were about to run for our lives away from this hellish place.

I stared dumbfoundedly at Dream, my mind too preoccupied to respond to his urgent needs.

He stared behind me yet again and then pulled me away from the scene as we both charged down the side of the road for possibly, our lives.

I already knew what he was staring at, however, I didn't seem to catch the raging fire beneath his burning eyes as they seemed to make you even more nauseous with every second you stared at them. It was truly terrifying. I didn't have time to even let the shivers fully descend down my back.

We had now been running for around fifteen minutes with no break. Dream's father trailing close behind with no signs of stopping.

As it was raining, we were pretty much soaked to the skin from the unexpected rainfall. Our uniforms were now ruined as they clung to our skin, the fabric making small trails across our skin.

We were almost there. I can't stop now. We just need to get away from that man for a second so Dream can call his friend. That's all I needed. To be in a safe, warm space with dry clothes and maybe even a cup of hot chocolate to ease my shaking body.

Suddenly, Dream bloted inside a store with me following close behind. All the people gave judgmental stares and shocked faces in our sudden appearance and went back to their searching and scavenging around the small store.

I felt my face redden in embarrassment as I followed Dream with my head down around the store, walking to the back of it behind all of the displays and shelves to catch a moments rest.

Dream stook his phone out if his pocket inside his cloak so it wouldn't get wet and tapped away on the small screen, the light emitting a soft glow onto the tips of Dream's fingers.

Dream held the phone to his ear as I turned away in search of something other then the pain I felt in my bones to accompany my wandering mind.

I gazed out of the window and saw the sane man walk past briskly, his eyes in a sharp squint as he stared in my direction. I quickly looked away and pretend to be looking at one of the items laying around on one of the shelves as if it had captured all of my attention right then and there.

He stared for a second longer before going back on his search to find us.

I let out a much needed breath and casted my look back over to Dream.

"You alright?" He asked, his voice laced with ounces of genuine and care. "Y-yeah. I just saw your dad walk past and he almost saw me. Just a bit scared. It's not exactly like I do this every day you know..." He gave me and understanding look as he gave me a confident nod. "My friend will be here in a minute or so, he has this truck with a bunch of storage items in it. We can just catch a ride on there." I nodded, not really listening to his words, no matter how important they were.

A minute later, I heard clicks against the pebbled road and saw a truck pull up almost directly infront of the store.

Dream looked left and right before fully stepping out of the warm building and walking over to the guy inside the vehicle.

I stood next to the truck waiting for Dream to finish talking as my foot tapped against the stones in an impatient manner.

Once Dream had finished talking, he jumped on top of the truck and sat leaning against the back wall of the truck as I did the same.

The driver started moving moments later as Dream and I bobbed up and down on the uneven roads, creating quite the uncomfortable ride.

I felt my body start to go limp from exhaustion and I started leaning my head on Dream's shoulder for support.

My mouth felt dry and my whole body was dehydrated. My chest was heaving up and down rapidly as I gasped for air to refill my lungs.

"D-dream..." I managed to get out, my throat stinging with every second of speech.

That was all I managed to get out before I felt my throat close up.

I felt my eyes become heavy as they fought to stay open.

I couldn't stop now. I just need to get to school. That's all I needed to do.

But I didn't have the strength in me to stay awake any longer. I needed rest desperately. My body couldn't function at all. I was just laying down like a loose doll stranded after playtime.

My eyes fluttered to a close before I could notify Dream any further on my current state.

And just like that,
I passed out.


How are all of you?

Sorry for the kind of short chapter. I don't know if I'll go back to posting two chapters every two days or not but I think I'll just be posting one for now as I'm pretty busy.

Thank you for all of the support! I can't thank you enough for the amount of love I have been getting on this silly little story of mine.

I'll see you all next time,


Willow Tree //DNF Hogwarts//Where stories live. Discover now