4-7: Sole Crusher

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Scene: Taxi. The taxi driver tells Zoé Lee Aka my second least favorite character all about Paris.

Taxi Driver: You'll discover for yourself,
Mademoiselle, but one can never see too much of Paris. (displays the Eiffel Tower) Does the Eiffel Tower need an introduction? And to think that when it was first built, the Parisians thought it stuck out like a sore thumb. (displays the Trocadéro) And over there are the Trocadéro gardens. Did you know that underneath there is an aquarium, the first in the world built in 1867. (displays the Louvre) The Louvre, the largest museum in the world. So huge that it would take a hundred days to see everything! Originally, the Louvre was a fortress built to protect our city. These days, it protects our art. Speaking of protecting the city, there are our local miracles, Ladybug, The Rangers and Cat Noir!

Zoé: (notices the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie) Can we stop here? I've always dreamed of eating a real Parisian croissant.

Taxi Driver: You couldn't have picked a better place this is the best bakery in Paris. My kids adore their croissants.

Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.

Sabine: You're lucky they're fresh out of the oven.

Marinette: Sorry I got held up here! (Trips)

Zoé: Is everyone all right?

Marinette: Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Zoé: It's totally okay, but maybe I should be asking if you're okay. That was quite a fall!

Marinette: (chuckles) Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, thanks. I'm pretty clumsy so I'm used to it. Come to think of it, I fall a lot. I fall on my face, fall asleep, fall out of bed, fall apart of the seams fall in love... (Zoé laughs) I really am sorry about all of this, how can I make it up to you?

Zoé: It's nothing, don't worry!

Marinette: Mom, can you put together a dozen more croissants for...

Zoé: Zoé.

Marinette: Hello, Zoé, I'm Miss Walking Disaster. Where's your accent from? It's really pretty!

Zoé: I'm from New York.

Marinette: Wow, cool! And what are you doing in Paris?

Zoé: I'm- uh- here to be with my family.

Zane: Well then it's gonna be a great trip, no matter where you are, if you're with the ones you love, then you feel right at home.

He walks downstairs smiling at Zoe who smiles back. Zoé accidently bumps into Marinette.

Zoé: Sorry.

Marinette continues to pick up more apples.

Marinette: (notices Zoé's shoes) Wow, your sneakers are awesome! Did you decorate them yourself?

Zoé: Yeah, I've written every nice thing that anyone's ever said to me, to keep them with me all the time.

Marinette: But there's only one message!

Zoé: I only had one friend.

Marinette: Oh...

Zane: (gets a bunch of pastries for Zoé and places them in a bag) If you're not doing anything with your family tonight, our friends are performing a concert on a river march. Let me give you my number! (writes his number on one of the pastry boxes)

Zoé: I can give you mine too if you want.

Zane shows his hand.

Marinette: This way I won't lose it for sure.

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