4-15: Hack-San

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Scene: Z+Marinette's room. Tom enters the trapdoor.

Tom: Guys! The train's in one hour! Are your suitcases packed?

Marinette: (lying on the bed) Oh! I really don't feel well, Dad! But it's okay! Just... go without us!

Tom: I'm sure it's nothing serious and if worse comes to worse, we can always find a doctor in London.

Marinette: I can't even move! My head hurts too much! (whimpers)

Tom: Wasn't it your stomach that was hurting ten minutes ago? (grabs Marinette's suitcase)

Marinette: Oh! Um.. it must be a moving ache. Those are the worst kind!

Tom': Come on. We know what's going on.

Marinette: Going on? What do you mean?

Tom: What's really going on is that you don't want to go to Auntie Shu Yin's because it's impossible. But that's just the way it is. We have to go once a year and we'll have fun in London! (whispers) I'm sure we'll figure out how to shake her off now and then.

Sabine: (from downstairs) I heard that, Tom.

Tom: (upon exiting the room) Come on. Get up and get ready. We're a family and we face disasters together.

Sabine: (from downstairs) I heard that, too, Tom!

Tom: Don't make me do this alone. (closes the trapdoor)

Marinette: (groans) I used up an entire month's worth of excuses in one go and it's still wasn't enough! What am I gonna do? Ladybug can't abandon Paris!

Tikki: You can't abandon your family either, Marinette!

Marinette: (groans louder and goes down from her bunk bed) I'll have to come up with a better excuse on the way. (The kwamis fly to her before she goes downstairs.) You stay here and be good. I'll be back.

She closes the trapdoor and goes downstairs. A loud thump was heard which concerned the kwamis.

Marinette: (from downstairs) Ow! I must've twisted my ankle! There's no way I can walk anywhere like this!

Tom: (from downstairs) I'll carry you, sweetie, don't worry.

Marinette groans off-screen.

Longg: Even one of the greatest of superheroes is no match for parents who want to go on vacation.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Gabriel looks at a picture of Max and Markov on his phone.

Gabriel: Its intelligence is not at all artificial.

Nooroo: (to Duusu) That robot turned against him last time!

Duusu: Oh no! This is terrible! He can't akumatize him again!

Nooroo: On the contrary, Duusu, it's a good thing! Once Shadow Moth is defeated, we'll be free!

Duusu: Oh, right! Awesome! Awesome! (claps)

Gabriel: This time, I'll make sure that robot can't betray me. Duusu, Nooroo, dual metamorphosis!

He transforms into Shadow Moth. He then holds a feather on his hand and turns it into an amok.

Shadow Moth: Go, my beautiful amok, and bring my creation to life!

The feather flies into his staff, as he extends his arms, using his power forming a dark ball of energy in front of him, creating Hack-San.

Shadow Moth: Hack-San, you have been created with the power to hack into the emotions of a robot. Thanks to you, I will be able to re-akumatize him.

Hack-San glows as it activates its power.

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