Chapter 24

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Adelina Celine Torres

"I like being on the opposite side of the sunset." I tell Ron as we dry of by the pool. The sun is pretty much set but it's on the other side of his house so we didn't see it. Lucky for me the opposite side of the sunset is the best part.

No blaring sun, just cool blues and purples in the sky that ombre up to blackness.

"Me too." Ronny says back.

We completely dry off and then head inside. Ronny is a little quieter than usual but I blame that on his embarrassment of being whooped by me in Marco Polo.

Or us almost kissing and me backing out.

When we walk inside, the cold AC hits my skin and wet swimsuit far too hard, and I immediately start shivering. "It should be illegal to keep your house at 67 degrees." I say to Ron, who shrugs, "I like it."

We walk past the kitchen to go upstairs and change and see Owen and Mike in the kitchen cooking up a storm. I thought when Ronny and I cooked it was messy, but Owen has things scattered everywhere.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" I say to him, since he is currently struggling to stir a bowl of something on one foot because he ditched his crutches. Mike is beside him looking extremely stressed with his hand on Owen's lower back to prevent him from falling over.

"I am making dinner." Is all he says.

"And he wouldn't listen to me when I said to at least use his crutches" Mike mutters.

"But I have to leave now, so now they're non negotiable." Mike then says, walking across the room to where Owen's two crutches were leaned against the wall.

Owen groans when Mike hands them to him. "Where are you going?" I ask.

"Work trip." Ronny answers for him, and I side eye him for not letting Mike respond. I feel Ron slightly tugging my hand indicating he wants us to go upstairs now.

"Ok, well be safe Owen and have a fun trip Mike, I am going to put on ten layers of clothing." I say, going upstairs to Ronny's room to steal some of his sweatshirts and sweatpants.

I snag a cute black sweatshirt today and black sweatpants. I feel a little emo but it's alright. I run my fingers through my wet hair and tie it into a low braid so it doesn't knot anymore than it already is from swimming.

"Get y'all's asses down here dinner is ready!" I hear Owen's voice screaming through the house. I walk out of Ron's bathroom to see he is already changed too, into black sweatpants and a black compression shirt.

Awww we are matching emos.

"You should hook me up with a shirt like that so I can show off my muscles." I say to him as we walk downstairs. I look to him and he gives me a look that makes me think he doesn't believe I have muscles.

"Never mind the shirt probably wouldn't fit me. Too jacked." I add.

When we get downstairs the smell of spices fills my nose, so does the sound of multiple voices.

"Who's here?" I ask Ronny, who shrugs.

When we reach the dining room Ron and I are met with Tony, Ben, Natasha, and Owen all sitting around the table, but they haven't started eating yet. "Hey Lina" Ben greets me and I say Hi back. I sit down next to Owen and Tony since the only two seats that were open are that one or next to Natasha and Ben.

Ron hesitates as he has to walk to his seat, looking at me like a lost puppy dog on his own for the first time.


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