27. Ride With Me

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Olivia Baker

"Okay....okay" Olivia's hands began to shake recklessly. "I was...I was trying to wait it out but now I'm getting worried, you guys. He's been gone for awhile now" she felt a lump in her throat. She was deeply concerned about Spencer's whereabouts and his overall well being.

"Liv I know it's hard but you do not need to stress over this. I'm sure Spencer is more than fine" Jordan began. "I knew I shouldn't have told you what happened" he sighed in frustration with himself.

"Jordan's right Livvie" Laura agreed with her son. "I understand your concerns but-"

"Spencer's been gone for hours! He angrily left in an abrupt manner and neither of us can get in contact with him. How does that not raise any concern for the both of you?!" Olivia's eyebrows lowered and knit together.

"Listen Liv...we are concerned....but has he not done this before? Multiple times at that" Jordan stated. "I'm sure he's more than fine. I can assure you he will walk in that door in any given second" he continued.

"Besides....from the stories we've heard from before, you should be used to this kind of behavior he's exhibiting" Laura added and Olivia's eyes narrowed.

"Wow....so neither of you understand how significant this is right now" Olivia crossed her arms, shaking her head in disgust. "I'm not denying that Spencer hasn't had his moments but it's been long since he's reacted from anger. His reaction is clearly concerning and it's disheartening that you both don't seem to care" she sighed in frustration.


"You know what, the both of you can stay here" Olivia suggested as she grabbed her purse from off of the table. "I already called Nae and told her on what's going on. She should be pulling up in any second. The both of us are going to find him" she slipped into her crocs.

"But Liv-"

"Bye" she waddled out of the living room and out of the front door. "Nae! Thank you so much for this!" she said as she sat in the passenger seat of Nae's car.

"Now you know I'd pull up for just about anything! Especially for my family!" Nae said as she backed out of the driveway. "But I swear to God whenever we find this nigga I'ma let off on his ass! He can't just be doin' shit like this, he not a teenager anymore sis" she said and Olivia nodded her head.

"You're more than right" Olivia agreed, glancing at the car seat behind her. "Nae! I know you did not bring Junior with us!" she pointed out.

"I had no choice! The sitter couldn't watch him" Nae explained, glancing back at her son. "But he good though! We be rollin'" she said and Olivia just laughed.

"I don't even know where to begin searching for him" Olivia began. "Perhaps he could be at his Pops? Or maybe at his store?" she inquired.

"We can check both of those places" Nae said as she got onto the freeway. "You have any other locations he could possibly be?" she asked her.

"Uh....if he's not in South Central or here, I would assume he's in Malibu" Olivia replied as she glanced at her phone. "He and I would frequent there whenever we would need an escape" she explained.

"Damn y'all got it like that" Nae chuckled.

"It was mainly Spencer" Olivia placed a smile on her face. "I still don't know how he was able to make it happen" she laughed.

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