39. Problem

303 13 17

Olivia Baker

*3 days later*

"You hear that baby?" Spencer entered their bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He had just finished his shower for the evening and was looking forward to spending some quality time with Olivia. 

"I don't hear anything" Olivia glanced up from the book she was reading. 

"That's my point" Spencer chuckled while rubbing vaseline onto his skin. "We've got the house to ourselves for the night...with the exception of Halo being here" he told her.

"I'm well aware" Olivia smiled at her husband. Her eyes followed his as Spencer walked towards their end bed. "Babe!" she laughed as he reached for her feet.

"Stop kicking me" Spencer chuckled, dodging her kicks. 

"Spencer you know I'm ticklish. I can't control how my body reacts when I'm being tickled" she mentioned, laughing as she tried to get away from him.

"Come here girl" Spencer gently grabbed her ankles, pulling her across the bed so she was closer to him. Olivia's nerves started to get the best of her as Spencer hovered over her. 

"I miss you" Spencer's voice lowered and Olivia wanted to melt right in that moment. Truth be told, she missed him just as much if not more. 

"I miss you too" Olivia grabbed onto his chain, pulling him closer to her. She glanced at his lips and eyes, a small smile forming on her face.

"May I show you how much I've missed you?" Spencer bit the bottom of his lip. "Baby?" his eyes searched for answers in hers.

Olivia nodded her head then Spencer captured her lips with his. He deepened the kiss, swirling his tongue in her mouth. Olivia practically swallowed his lips as she tried to fight for dominance. As their kiss continue to deepen, Olivia slightly opened her legs, giving Spencer space to rest in between them. She placed her hand on the back of his head, pulling him deeper into the kiss.

Spencer's hands began to explore her body, gently rubbing across her inner thighs. Just as his hands were going to slip through her oversized shirt, Olivia instantly tensed up.

"I'm sorry baby, did I hurt you?" Spencer paused, glancing at his wife. He wanted to make sure she was okay before continuing.

"No you didn't" Olivia told him. "I don't know what that was about" she lied, placing a tender kiss on his lips.

Spencer's hands went to explore through her shirt but Olivia paused again. 

"I'm sorry. That tickled" she said and Spencer just smiled. 

"You're good Liv" Spencer chuckled. "Come here" he worked his mouth against hers. He wrapped her legs around his waist as their tongues wrestled with one another. Spencer went to slip his hands through her shirt and Olivia's body repelled.

"Spencer, I can't do this" Olivia unwrapped her legs from his waist. She quickly removed herself from under him, rushing out of the bed.

Spencer tightened his towel around his waist as he followed her into their bathroom. "I wasn't being too rough wit' you was I?" he inquired as she sat on the bathroom counter.

"No...not at all" Olivia immediately shook her head.

"So what's goin' on? You worried about gettin' pregnant again?" Spencer asked. "There's no need for that, baby. I decided I'ma start usin' these" he opened the drawer, grabbing the box of condoms.

"Spencer" Olivia chuckled as she wiped her tears. "It's nothing though, for real. I'm just being emotional" she said, wanting to avoid this conversation.

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