43. No One Else

237 15 13

Olivia Baker

"Jordan. I am...so sorry" Olivia tightly hugged her brother as tears filled her eyes. Her heart broke glancing at her brother's demeanor. Though their circumstances were not right, Olivia could tell both Jordan and Simone were excited to be parents.

"I just...I don't understand how this could've happened" Jordan glanced at his feet. He was in a state of shock, confusion, and deep hurt. "...where's Spencer?" he inquired as he noticed his brother-in-law wasn't nearby.

"He's got the kids with him in the car. We were going to take turns coming in here...didn't want the kids in the hospital" Olivia explained and Jordan nodded. "How's...Simone?" she asked, frowning as she thought of her friend.

"She's not talking" Jordan began and Olivia nodded. "But you could go see her if you'd like" he told her and Olivia walked to Simone's hospital room.

"Simone..." Olivia gently knocked as she stood in the entrance of the room. Simone glanced at her friend, her eyes filled with visible pain. The light she once had was now gone. "How are you? I am so sorry...I know there's nothing I can do or say to make you feel better" she stated as she approached Simone's bed.

"I...I don't understand what I did wr-wrong" Simone softly spoke. "What did I do wrong, Liv? Is this my fault?" she asked Olivia as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

"No...you did nothing wrong, sweetie" Olivia reached for her friend's hand. "I don't know why this happened...but know that you are not to blame for any of this" she squeezed Simone's hand.

Simone didn't say anything, she just let her cries speak for itself. "I'm-I'm sorry" she struggled to get her words out as her vision became blurred.

"You are allowed to grieve...in whatever way that may look for you" Olivia affirmed. "You are not alone in this, Simone. I know he's not in here right now...but Spencer and I got you and Jordan. We are here to support the both of you through this" she handed Simone a tissue.

Simone wiped her eyes, thanking Olivia for her kind words. "I don't want Jordan to hate me..." she stated and Olivia frowned.

"Impossible" Olivia watched as Simone gave a small smile. "I can attest that he would die loving you. And I'm not just saying this as his sister. But even before all the mess the both of you endured, it was evident that he was and will forever be in love with you. Nothing can change that...not even this loss" she told her.

Before Simone could respond, her attention was focused on who was at her room door.

"I'm sorry, I ain't mean to interrupt. Is it okay if I come in?" Darius inquired, glancing at Simone. Olivia stared at her friend who then nodded her head. Darius entered the hospital room, placing a vase of flowers nearby.

"I'm going to give you two some alone time" Olivia said as he hand slipped out from Simone's. Simone then thanked her as she exited the hospital room. Olivia found her way back with Jordan, he'd been sitting in a chair.

"...how are you holding up?" Olivia inquired as she sat by her brother.

"I don't have the words...I just don't understand it" Jordan sighed as he covered his face with his hands. "...I'm starting to feel as if this is my punishment...for how I've treated Simone and with what went down between us" he said and Olivia instantly shook her head.

"Normally I'd validate one's feelings...but this one I just can't simply get behind" Olivia began. "This is not your fault...nor is this a "punishment". Majority of the time, Jordan, these specific situations are completely beyond our control. This is not because of something you personally did or didn't do. I don't understand how or why...but things just...happen" she explained to him.

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