Chapter Sixty-Seven

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*Cassie's POV*
I'm a tiny bit nervous. In the past, I should act a certain way, but Mikhail wants to change that. We're equals, he told me, we do everything together. He keeps his hand on my lower back as we walk to the door and open it. Two men, much shorter than Miky, are standing there.

"Mikhail! It's been a long time. I was not expecting you to open the door with your wife," One man smirks, eyeing me up and down.

Wife? Do they all think we're married? Not that I don't want to be, I do. Desperately... I'll have to ask Miky about it later.

I suddenly feel disgusting. I push myself into Miky and he takes the hint, putting me between himself and the man.
"Do not look at her like that," He demands, "She is to be respected as much as I am unless you want to find out what I do to people who disrespect her."
The man visibly gulps.

"Please, come in," I smile shyly, trying to change the subject.
They quickly make their way in as more people show up. I see Lev park and get out of his car. I get excited and tug on Miky's hand. He finishes talking to one of the guests and looks down at me.
"Yes, printsessa?" He smiles.

"Y-Your dad is here!" I say looking back out the window, "I didn't know he was coming! I would have worn something nicer..."
"You look just fine, printsessa... he doesn't participate in the younger men's stupid antics, but he is involved in this."

"Malen-kiy!" Lev greets me with a grin, opening his arms for me.
"Mr. Ivanov!" I giggle and hug him.
"Please, malen'kiy, call me Lev."
"I know... it's just natural. It's what my brother taught me my entire childhood."
He nods, "Work on it, malen'kiy."
"I will!"

I'm about to say more but he walks in. I frown slightly but shake it off as the last of the guests arrive. They're all seated in the giant dining room but before Miky and I go in, he holds me back.
"If anyone talks to you and you don't know what to say or don't want to talk to them, just tap my thigh. I'll make them stop, okay?" He kisses my forehead.

"Okay... am I allowed to talk to people I know?" I look up at him with sad eyes.
"I'm not sure you're next to anyone you know, but if you are, absolutely."
"I'm not next to you?" I start panicking, "I can't be in there if I'm not next to you. Why don't I just hang out in our wing? With the guards? We can play board games and stuff..."

"No no, you're next to me. Just on your other side."
"Oh... okay..."
We head into the dining room and Lev is sitting at the head of the table. Mikhail walks to the seat to Lev's left while glancing at one of the men who was eyeing me up earlier. He will be sitting on my left side once I take my place next to Miky.

Miky pulls out the chair next to Lev and gestures for me to sit down. I hear everyone around the table mumble to their neighbors as I take the seat. Miky pushes my chair in and then sits next to me.
"What is the meaning of this?" An older man with grey hair asks Miky from across the table.

"She is my mate. My equal and she will be treated as such. If any of you make a comment towards her in a manner other than that, I will hurt you. If you so much as look at her the wrong way, I will make sure you suffer," Miky says in such a monotone voice, even I get shivers.

They all immediately drop the subject. Mikhail starts a conversation with someone and Lev starts talking to Kirill, who is on his right. Once the maids serve dinner, the conversations die down to quiet chatter. Lev isn't talking to anyone so I look at him with a blush, about to start a conversation.

"Mr. Iva- Lev-" I start, gently putting my fork down.
"Hang on, malen'kiy," He smiles, holding a finger up to me.
He grabs a glass and knife and clinks them together, "My brothers, we are here tonight to celebrate the union of our clans and the defeat of Killian and Sebastian."

The men all cheer. Lev talks some more and then they all go back to their conversations. Lev starts talking to someone else and I quietly sit there. I feel Miky's hand on my thigh so I turn to look at him. He smiles at me and rubs my thigh.
"What's wrong?" He asks quietly, not wanting to draw attention.

"I just wanted to ask Lev to come over tomorrow so we could all hangout and I could get to know him better but he keeps getting distracted," I giggle, "Plus, it's your birthday so I thought it'd be nice for us all to hangout..."
"Just give it a few more minutes, printsessa, I'm sure you'll get to him by the end of the night."
I nod, "You're right."

The maids take the dessert plates away and the men get up. They grab their things and start saying goodbye. I quietly sneak into the kitchen.
I hear a maid scoff, "Did you see master Mikhail's mate?"

"Yes!" Another exclaims, "She was practically begging for master Lev's attention all night."
"I know right!" A third snickers, "What a shameless bitch. Trying to get into her mates father's bed."

"Daddy issues at its finest," The first one giggles.
They all laugh and my hand flies up to my mouth to suppress a sob. I quietly sneak upstairs and sit on our bed, crying. I hear Miky enter the wing so I quickly run into the bathroom. I strip and get in the shower. A few minutes later I hear the door open.

"Hey printsessa," Mikhail says through the shower curtain, "Can I join you?"
"Sure..." I say so quietly I don't think he heard me... but he gets in so he must have.
He smiles down at me as his hands wrap around my waist. He turns us around so he's under the water now.

"Tonight went better than I thought it would," He kisses my head.
I nod, staying silent.
"Did you get to speak to dad?"
I shake my head. He nods and we fall into a comfortable silence. He washes my hair and body for me. I do the same for him and then get out. I dry off and hang the towel up, crawling under the comforter, naked. Miky gets in behind me and I can feel his hardness on my ass. He put on boxers and sweats.

"What's wrong my love? You're awfully quiet," He mumbles into my hair.
"Nothing," I whisper.
"You left before the guests left, I know somethings wrong."
"If it's a problem tomorrow, I'll tell you then. If it's not, then we'll forget about it... okay?"
"Okay. I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Miky, so much," I snuggle into him and fall asleep.

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