𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 I

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Working the night shift for a 24 hour convenience store might have seemed like a dreadful thing to some, but to 18 year old Han Jisung, it was just right. Not many people stopped by, and those who did were typically too tired from work, saving Jisung from having to make small talk. Jisung's life revolved solely around himself. 

He moved from Malaysia to Korea around the age of 16, done with the life his father failed to provide him. Due to this, Jisung had to work extra hard in order to make a living. A small yet cozy apartment is where he resided. Prior to starting his senior year he had three part time jobs, but dropped two due to the heavy workload, and now that he graduated he had been thinking about applying for more. 

Jisung is many things, a student, an employee, a book reader, a poetry lover, guitarist, plant lover, rain lover, star lover, but most of all, a hopeless romantic. He strongly believed in soulmates, and just knew he would someday find his. In fact, he had a diary designated just for his soulmate in which he started writing in the day he turned 18. Taking the diary out his bag, he began to write an entry as it was Friday night.

"Dear Soulmate, how are you? The stars look extra pretty today, I wonder if it's because you're looking at them as well. Today is December 18 2022, a cold winter day. I'm working at the moment, what are you doing? I've been getting a good feeling as of lately, almost as if the day I'll meet you is slowly inching closer and closer. I can't wait till I meet you, to look into those beautiful eyes of yours and see the same light I see within the stars. To put my forehead against yours, whispering nothing but comforting words. To hold you so close that your breath becomes my oxygen. To feel your heartbeat racing under my touch, and mine under yours.

Until we meet, you're lovely Jisung"

Jisung took one last look at his entry, a satisfied smile spread across his face as he gently closed the diary, setting it back into his bag. The once warm feeling quickly faded as the cold winter air made its way in through the front door. It wasn't odd for someone to walk in during the dark hours of 2am, but a masked stranger dressed in an oversized black hoodie and sweatpants walking in was slightly unusual. The hood covered his eyes and a mask covered the rest of his features.

Nonetheless, Jisung put on a welcoming smile. "Welcome in, I'm here if you need any assistance". The boy didn't spare one look at Jisung, and went straight towards one of the aisles. Choosing to ignore the strange behavior, Jisung stood at the cash register waiting patiently for the customer to finish gathering what they needed.

Around 5 minutes later, the mysterious boy dropped two items onto the counter. A rope and a pocket knife. Jisung took note of the items, slowly looking up at the boy. He was a few inches taller than him, probably a year or two older, with a significantly bigger build, yet he looked malnourished at the same time. His light brown hair, making a slight appearance from under the hood peacefully sat on his forehead.

Jisung squinted his eyes, wanting to get a closer look at the eyes of this stranger. They were barely visible, but what didn't go unnoticed was how dull they appeared. As if the darkness had stolen any hints of light within them. They were quiet, yet screaming with madness. They were empty, yet full of raging emotions.

After a minute had passed of Jisung simply analyzing the boy, he looked up. It was an eye-contact like he's never had before. It was an eye-contact that made his soul catch fire. His eyes made Jisung want to bring back the light, it made him want to take that hood off, to gently move the hair covering them. Subconsciously Jisung's hand slowly made its way towards the stranger's face. Just as he was about to touch the boy's masked face, he came back into his senses. Quickly breaking eye-contact, he looked down at the items. Jisung didn't know what it was, but these items, no way was he going to let this stranger buy them.

After another minute Jisung slowly spoke up in nothing but a whisper, "Can you not get this stuff?". The stranger looked towards Jisung, who hadn't taken his eyes off the items on the counter, "please". Confused, the boy politely obliged, making his way towards the exit. Just as he was about to leave, Jisung got an idea. "Wait!". The stranger turned towards the squirrel-like boy who was now scanning the two items under the cash register. He noticed the smaller boy slowly making his way towards him, only adding on to his confusion. "Take these".

He looked down at Jisung, wanting to ask what this was all about, but no words came out. Instead, he simply stared. Noticing the confusion in the boy, Jisung grabbed his hands, shoving the items in them. "Take them, but come back tomorrow to return them, the same time you came today". With one last look into his eyes, Jisung returned to the cash register, leaving the boy puzzled yet somewhat intrigued.

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