𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 XXXIX

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The rays of the winter sun shining through the curtains tempted Jisung's eyes to open up. He squinted a bit, rubbing his eyes with fisted hands before stretching his limbs with a big yawn. "Good morning Minmin hyung" he let out instinctively, as it was the first thing he always said waking up in the arms of his lover, although this time, no arms were around him. 

He turned to the side, a slight panic rising before it settled and was replaced with an aching feeling in his chest, his home had once again left. "Right.." he mumbled, taking hold of the pillow that had a lingering scent of that strong and alluring cologne, hugging it close to his chest. Just then Soonie jumped onto the bed, expecting to land on a bare chest but was met with a soft mattress instead. 

He looked around a bit confused, settling on kneading at the cloud-like mattress beneath his soft paws. Jisung picked him up, earning a meow and loud purrs. "Your dada left again, he's a meany isn't he?". Soonie let out another meow, rubbing his head against Jisung's stomach. He looked over at the nightstand, finding a small, and very familiar looking paper resting on it. Setting Soonie down, he reached over to pick it up.

"Good morning angel. There's yummy food and coffee waiting for you out there, so hurry and get off the bed. I also bought some treats for Soonie, let him know it's from me, don't take all the credit, I'm trying to become the favorite parent here. I miss you both, and I'll be back as soon as I can. I'm not there to kiss your tears away, so be sure not to cry while I'm gone". Jisung quickly wiped his tears with a small sniffle."I love you, my Hannie, and tell Soonie I love him too."

Jisung set the note down, picking Soonie up from his lap so they were face to face. "Dada says he misses and loves you". He let out a small giggle as Soonie rubbed his head against his chubby cheek. "He also bought you treats", at the word 'treat' Soonie jumped out of Jisung's hold, waddling over to the door, waiting for Jisung to do the same. 

He walked over to the kitchen, looking so tiny in that large black hoodie, finding a bunch of cat treats in a cute basket, and on the coffee table was a sandwich with a heart carved in the middle filled with strawberry jam. It almost looked too good to eat, nonetheless, Jisung took a big bite, stuffing his cheeks, not remembering when he found a simple sandwich with jam so yummy. 

"Oh! I almost forgot". He ran over to the fridge, taking out the cup of coffee that was in one of the matching mugs Jisung had bought the two. He didn't have any classes today, but his shift started in a few hours, so he quickly ate breakfast, fed Soonie one of the treats, and took a shower.

"Hey Sung!" Chan warmly greeted him as he walked into the large station. He had given Jisung a week off to spend as much time as he wanted with Minho before he had to leave. "Hi Chan hyung". He set a pile of documents down on his own desk. "Has Minho gone back?" Chan asked, doing some paperwork of his own. "Yep, he left in the morning", the tone of his voice spoke for itself, and Chan knew behind that forced smile was a caged frown. 

"He'll be back, I'll make sure of it" Chan reassured, and Jisung smiled a genuine one, "Thank you hyung". It was quite a peaceful day, only a few minor calls were made, one being about a missing toddler who simply walked out the unlocked front door but was found immediately. The family of the toddler thanked Jisung one too many times, even insisting on asking him to stay for a meal as a thank you, but he politely refused. 

His last call finished around an hour ago when he helped a group of girls walk safely to their dorm building after they had called about a suspicious man following them. Turns out it was an old aged man who had one too many drinks. It was safe to say those girls might have taken a liking towards the kind officer who helped them, and he was now once again trending around the area as the "boyfriend material officer". 

"Sungie look at this comment!" Felix, who had invited himself over and forced Seungmin to do the same, shoved his phone into Jisung's face. There was a picture posted on a community website the girls had discreetly taken of him. Jisung read aloud in a tired voice, "I'm going to walk home late at night hoping to get abducted just to be saved by that handsome officer". 

Seungmin rolled his eyes and Jisung simply let out a small giggle. "Seung, did Hyunjin also leave this morning?" Jisung quickly changed the topic as Felix was about to start reading another comment. "Yes. I had to wake him up at 6am since he doesn't have the ability to do so himself". The two friends let out a small laugh. 

"Did they say anything about when they'll be back? I miss annoying Min hyung already and Hyunjin's a funny person, he goes along with my silliness", Felix let out with a small whine. "Minho hyung said his father would be handling international branches so he'd be able to come often, but right now he'll be busy taking the company over so not for a while at least", Jisung fiddled with his fingers, already feeling the absence of his boyfriend. 

"Oh! I got Minho hyung's new number, but he told me not to text or call him, he'll do it first". Felix beamed a wide smile, "That's great Sungie!". "Much better than having no contact at all", Seungmin added. "Hyunjin said he'd be busy helping Minho hyung, but would be able to come to my cafe a few days a week-" 

"GREAT! I'll be over whenever your shifts end just in case!" Felix exclaimed in excitement, "And you" he looked over at Jisung, pointing a finger at him, "you better tell me whenever Minho hyung comes over". The two let out a small chuckle at their friend. "I will" Jisung reassured, ruffling his long platinum blonde hair. "It's late, why don't you two just stay over?". It was around 11pm, and Felix had already decided he would be staying the second he came over. 

"We have afternoon classes, but you have a morning one don't you?" Seungmin questioned, earning a sad nod from Jisung, "I do, but that's fine. You guys can just stay here until the afternoon if you want, I'll be back before you two have to leave". The three settled on the couch to watch a movie before calling it a night, and Just as Jisung was about to put his phone away after staring at his wallpaper which was a picture of Minho sleeping on his lap, a voice message notification popped up.

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